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Phantom chapter 2 (standard:science fiction, 2472 words) [2/5] show all parts | |||
Author: St George | Added: Mar 12 2003 | Views/Reads: 2835/2077 | Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
Phantom's story continues. | |||
“Raise mast, sensors on passive.” ordered Archer. The mast extended and its various instruments started scanning the area. The mast only protruded a few feet into real space and would be practically invisible to an enemy's sensors unless they knew exactly where to look, or blundered right into it. “Ahead dead slow. Rig for minimum signature. Standard search pattern.” Minimum signature meant turbines active and set to dead slow and absolute minimum use of the etheric masses in order to minimise passive epdar signature. It wasn't long until there came the cry, “Con, epdar, contact bearing 270 by 000, range....1 light second.” Archer responded with, “Helm, intercept course; bring us to 75 K.” She would have liked to get closer but feared the enemy would pick them up on gravimetric mass sensor. Archer knew the Andurils were aware of her presence and she knew they were aware of her ship's capabilities. Phantom's primary armament consisted of six 65cm torpedo tubes and four 122cm torpedo tubes. The 122cm Harbinger torpedoes were considered suitable only for emergency use when the event horizon shield was online, because of their lack of manoeuvrability when under auto-guidance (remote piloting was obviously impossible when the event horizon was on). Therefore the 65cm Reaper torpedoes were the weapon of choice, they needed no remote pilot and despite having a smaller warhead they had a better chance of hitting. They had been designed specifically for the Phantom class and incorporated a brand new GCD system as well as epdar and visual/radar guidance. Phantom was also equipped with a mid-size 5.5 kiloton EP Cannon with a full 360-degree swing, though obviously this could only be used if the event horizon was offline. Its intended use was to deliver the final blow to enemies already crippled by torpedoes. As well as the hyperdrive motivator, ion turbines, event horizon shield, stealth shroud and sensor mast, Phantom was equipped with one other piece of new prototype technology called the GCD or Gaseous Cavitation Detector. When a starship uses its ramscoop to collect interstellar hydrogen, it leaves a hydrogen cavity in its wake lasting several hours. Hydrogen emits radio waves on the 21cm wavelength, the GCD scans this wavelength looking for cavities and extrapolates the ship's direction and, if the speed is known, it can find the range. In addition to this, just in case the Megaerans developed a similar detector, Phantom was equipped with a system for dumping hydrogen fuel behind it to cover its trail if necessary. All these technologies combined meant that the term cutting edge didn't really do her justice. Suddenly there came the words, “Ping detected!” “Retract mast. Torpedo room is that contact strong enough for torpedo lock?” “No ma'am.” The destroyer had used its active epdar, normally not a problem for Phantom, but the mast might just give them away. “Anything on grav?” (Gravimetric mass sensor) “Negative.” “Helm, bring us onto their 180 and match speed.” On the holoscape there was a wire-fame sphere in the general location of the enemy destroyer. Normally Archer would have fired torpedoes anyway and relied on the torpedoes' on-board guidance to do the rest, but Phantom's strength lay in stealth and firing would give away her bearing. Her plan was, now that she was on the enemy's six, to attempt to get a better fix; a normal ion drive creates a big EM sensor mess and it is the best place to hide. “Raise mast.” Immediately the visual sensors and passive epdar picked up the enemy vessel, and the holoscape sphere changed into an Anduril destroyer. Simultaneously, the gunnery officer's voice came into her earpiece, “Firing solution loaded!” Archer responded, “Gunnery prepare cannon. Target tango one, foxtrot tubes 1 and 2 and fire on my mark... mark!” The Reapers shot away, accelerating faster than their larger cousins would. In an instant they were free of the event horizon and the enemy reacted, but they were too late - the torps were too close. Both impacted and ... nothing happened. Or so it seemed; but on the Anduril vessel it's computer recognised the dummy torpedo hits and simulated appropriate damage. An instant later the second volley hit; the computer simulated shield failure and hull damage. “Deactivate EH! Cannon open fire.” This was exactly what the cannon was for. The enemy was almost destroyed and to use another torpedo would be a waste. The gun crew simulated firing and Chrysys transmitted this to the destroyer. In a few shots it was toast. The destroyer sent an End Exercise message along with one congratulating Click here to read the rest of this story (178 more lines)
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