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Phantom chapter 2 (standard:science fiction, 2472 words) [2/5] show all parts | |||
Author: St George | Added: Mar 12 2003 | Views/Reads: 2836/2077 | Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
Phantom's story continues. | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story the stellar navy on building such a superb piece of machinery. On board Phantom the champagne was flowing, if they could get that close to an experienced Anduril crew and make a torpedo run, then they could do the same to any one of those bits of space-junk the Megaerans called starships. What no one realised was how soon they would be asked to prove it. Archer went into her office and closed the door. On her desk monitor was displayed a small yellow rectangle on which she put her index finger and Chrysys identified her fingerprint. A communiqué from the admiralty appeared, it read: CAPTAIN ARCHER, K. YOUR VESSEL IS TO PROCEED TO AN29 WITH ALL POSSIBLE SPEED. YOU HAVE TRAVEL CLEARANCE IN ALL SECTORS. STOP FOR NOTHING. YOU WILL BE TASKED UPON ARRIVAL AT ACOLYTE STATION. SOLARIAN NAVY ADMIRALTY. Something told her that this was special, otherwise she would have been given a mission as well as a destination. In fact, unknown to Archer, the outcome of the mission wasn't nearly as important as the attempt itself. Operation Kretschmer as it was called was very simple; Phantom was to proceed into enemy territory and make as big a nuisance of herself in the supply lines as she could. Alliance incursions into Megaeran space were becoming more and more infrequent as the war progressed, largely due to the defensive destroyer/frigate packs that now patrolled the front line. With her ability to slip by, undetected by the ever watchful sentries, Phantom was the alliance's new hope. If she could convince the admiralty that such a tactic was practical, then the Phantom class would be put into full production. Any cargo ships or warships she destroyed were classified as ‘bonus'. “Chrysys, give me ship-wide intercom.” “Ready Captain.” “Attention Phantom, this is the Captain. 90 years ago the Reichsmarine invented a new kind of war, and a new kind of warship. One that could move undetected, kill without warning and escape unseen. They say history repeats itself and today it has. We have been ordered to go into the heart of the enemy's supply lanes and prove that the smallest ship in the fleet is the most deadly. Helm, lay in a course for ME87 and woe betide anything foolish enough to wander into our crosshairs!” As the ship flitted through hyperspace, Archer was poring over a large-scale holo-chart of ME87. Intelligence was sketchy but it was known that although most Megaeran facilities were spread evenly throughout their territory, a big part of their raw materials were mined in three solar systems within sector ME8. Because of this there were several well used supply routs originating in the sector. Also present in the map room were the chief gunnery officer, the navigation officer and Chrysys' holographic avatar. On the holo-chart were lines representing where the supply routes were thought to be, though this map was based on old information from Hunter fleets Five, Six and Seven, and that was months ago. They had already decided to target the line designated Sierra Lima Eight and now it was a case of deciding attack tactics. Phantom was smaller and more fragile than almost any conceivable adversary so they wanted to pick targets that couldn't shoot back; therefore the task became that of identifying convoys with the least escort. Fortunately that didn't seem to be a problem. The first convoy they detected was of seven ships and not one of them was armed. “Con, epdar, new contacts designated tango one through seven!” “EH now! Raise the mast, lets have a look at them.” The mast showed the seven-strong convoy silhouetted against the blue of hyperspace; the range was about twenty light seconds. “Gunnery, do we have a firing solution on the lead ship?” “Negative Captain.” “Helm, get us closer, put us on their ten, 125 K off. Depressurise and open all forward tubes.” Phantom only had two 122cm and four 65cm tubes in the bow, so even if all tubes were used there would be one enemy left unengaged. “Helm, bring us to 50 K.” Because the targets were ‘alone' their shields were down. It takes a few seconds to raise shields and Archer wanted to hit them before they could do it. “Con, Helm, 50 K.” “Firing solution loaded.” Reported the torpedo room. “Torpedo room, fire the Harbingers at the closest targets, fire Reapers at tango 3,4,5 and 6 on my mark.” The Harbingers should be able to track unaware cargo ships on their own. “Torpedo room, fire all tubes!” “Torpedoes away.” The unfortunate freighters really had no chance. All six were obliterated a few scant seconds after the torpedoes appeared on their sensors. The last one raised its shields and started to drop into real space while transmitted a mayday, but no help would come in time. “Helm, real space, de-activate the EH. Gunnery, ready the cannon!” When the freighter entered real space she found Phantom already there. The gun crew engaged the cargo ship immediately and although her shield was intact, her Captain realised the situation was impossible and ordered abandon ship. “Gunnery, target and destroy the lifepods.” “Captain, the lifepods are unarmed!” “Gunnery, carry out my orders!” “Yes Captain.” Destroying the lifepods left a bad taste in Archer's mouth, the crew were civilians and this was not her way, but she had her orders. There were to be no survivors, the enemy must not be allowed any information about Phantom. “Activate EH, take us into hyperspace. Helm, lay in course to supply route Mike Seven, all ahead standard. Chrysys , have Lieutenant Duval report to my office.” When the gunnery officer arrived Archer closed the door and sat down. “At ease Mr Duval. I share your feelings about killing civilians, however those are my orders and you had yours. I was led to believe that a Second Lieutenant ranked below a Captain, was I misinformed?” “No ma'am.” “Then next time you will carry out my instructions first, then raise any ethical matters once we are out of harm's way. This is not an official reprimand and no mention of this will be added to the log. Do you have any questions?” “No ma'am. Thank you Ma'am.” “Then you are dismissed.” She had never been a strict disciplinarian but when she was Captain of Trafalgar everybody knew where the buck stopped and nothing was going to change here. “Chrysys, record a log entry: Captains log, today Phantom engaged the enemy for the first time. We engaged seven Juggernaut class freighters in hyperspace and destroyed six whilst under EH. One remaining freighter dropped into real space and we pursued. We engaged the freighter with cannon fire and they abandoned ship; the freighter and all three lifepods were destroyed, 18 civilian crewmembers in total. End entry. Add the navigational log and save.” “Captain, what does it matter that the lifepods were destroyed? Every Megaeran killed is one less to fight against us?” Queried Chrysys. “It matters because there are rules, or there were rules anyway. You don't destroy lifeboats, you take the crew prisoner or you leave them out there but you don't kill them.” “Captain, we haven't the space for prisoners and your orders were not to let anyone or anything escape, including lifepods.” Extract from Captains log, Captain Archer, K: “Our first war cruise is complete. We engaged three convoys and have expended all of our torpedoes, therefore I've set course for AN19 where we will rendezvous with SS Halcyon to take on weapons and supplies. Chrysys' VMDs have painted twelve victory pennants on the hull, we destroyed 13 merchantmen but the crew voted unanimously not to paint thirteen. We've yet to engage a warship but this is by design. The last convoy we attacked was escorted and we engaged only one vessel before retreating.” “Chrysys, how long do we have before we're due to meet Halcyon?” “Four days, 17 hours and nine minutes Captain.” “If we were to detour through ME85, could we still make the meet?” “Assuming no problems, yes Captain.” Archer walked onto the bridge and instructed the helmsman to change course. As far as the navy knew there was nothing of interest in that region apart from an insignificant solar system, but no Anduril vessel had been there in decades (no human vessel had ever been there) so if they could gather any information then that would be a real feather in their cap. Having been called to the bridge by third watch, Archer suddenly found all thought of sleep driven from her mind. Phantom was passing through ME85. The GCD had detected a large hydrogen-cavity which lead to the star system. This contained one star and no planets, though the star had three distinct asteroid belts. Epdar had found something else orbiting the star at about 12 light minutes. “Real space,” she said, “ahead two thirds on turbine.” Having dropped into real space the ship moved on toward the target, the EH doing it's job. When raised, the mast showed something truly special. As soon as Phantom reached the Anduril border Archer sent an urgent message to the admiralty: HAVE DETECTED MEGAERAN BATTLESHIP AT PORT IN ME85, LIGHT DESTROYER COVER. REQUEST PERMISSION TO RETURN AND ENGAGE AFTER RE-SUPPLY. This was too good a chance to pass up, the answer was an enthusiastic affirmative and after meeting with Halcyon, Phantom was to immediately set course back to the orbital dock Halcyon was waiting at the prescribed location when Phantom arrived, as she was in friendly space she wasn't under EH. In general the EH shield was only used when an enemy was in the immediate location, when in transit Phantom was just like a normal vessel. Halcyon manoeuvred alongside the warship and extended two docking apparatuses. One, the anti-matter transfer umbilicus, equipped with its magnetic constrictor coils, the other, a more general purpose affair which connected to the freighter's cargo bay and through which people and supplies moved. Phantom's single RM3 reactor used 3½ tons of anti-iron a day to generate 0.8 terawatts of power which ran everything on board, including the ion drive and turbines. Halcyon replenished the 220 ton anti-matter bunker and also replaced the eight Harbingers and eighteen Reapers as well as food, water and atmospheric gasses. Tweet
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