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Porter Island Chapter Nine (standard:adventure, 1551 words) | |||
Author: Brian Cross | Added: Feb 10 2025 | Views/Reads: 82/26 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
Super-Agent Betty McCloud is coaxed out of retirement for her toughest assignment yet. | |||
Chapter Nine A musty, damp smell, rain bouncing off a tin roof, and an intense, piercing headache brought Betty's senses starkly back. “The lady awakes.” The derisive male voice came from across the room. Precisely where, Betty couldn't say, bound hands and feet to an ancient bedstead with no mattress. At least, that's how it felt. Betty groaned. “I'd ask what I'm doing here, but no doubt you'll tell me in your own time.” “You seem remarkably calm, Ms. Thornton, considering,” the male continued in a harsh, tinny accent, “but then, by what we've learned, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by that. “And what have you learned?” Betty tried to force her head up, but without ripping the binding to shreds, which could wait, she couldn't manage it. “Not half as much as we need to,” another voice, this time throaty, suggestive of too many cigarettes, called through an open inner door, “which is why you're here.” Betty let that remark pass for a moment, needing to know something else. “I pulled a dart out of my arm, presumably poison. I can normally resist succumbing to such treatment, but not this time, so what did you inject me with?” Betty watched a small cloud of smoke drift toward the ceiling before the speaker replied, “You have a very impressive physique, Ms. Thornton, so I'm not surprised by what you say. But no, don't worry, it's nothing that will incapacitate you permanently, though that will be forthcoming if you don't cooperate.” Betty heard footsteps on the concrete floor, and then a tall, burly figure stood over her. No matter what she said, whoever her adversaries were, they'd seek to eliminate her. Evidently, they knew she was strong, just not how strong. Betty sighed; she felt tired, but not so tired that she couldn't do what needed to be done. “I'm afraid I can't wait around for you guys to interrogate me. We'll do a quick role reversal.” “Oh, really.” Gazing up, Betty glimpsed a pockmarked face and a leering and sardonic smile. “Yes, really.” Betty breathed in; her powerful frame swelled, her biceps rose, and a snap cracked through the air as the bindings submitted to her massive power. Exerting her leg muscles almost simultaneously, the rope securing her feet to the bedpost broke under the strain as Betty instantaneously leaped from the bed onto the thug, swinging him around, her legs clasping his midriff while her mighty arms squeezed into his neck. At the sound of his gargled cry, his two colleagues raced through the door to her right. A tall, willowy male whipped a gun from his belt. “Put it down,” Betty warned, her jaw clenched. “Or I'll break his neck before a bullet even leaves your gun.” The hoodlum's two accomplices exchanged glances before the tall one reluctantly threw his gun to the floor. “Better, at least. Now, I want some answers.” Betty leaped off the thug's back, dragging him backward. Forcing the man down with her, Betty scooped the weapon off the floor, unloaded it, and gritted her teeth as she crushed the metal in one hand. She flung the mangled gun to the floor, her arm still wrapped around his neck. “Now, who sent you to ambush me?” “What makes you think we'll answer that?” The speaker attempted to sound composed, but uncertainty and fear governed his expression at the extent of Betty's power. He shot a sideways glance at his partner, and after some hesitancy, they ran at Betty from either side. Betty intensified her one-armed headlock for a second before dropping her victim to the floor and meeting the pair head-on. A punch to the taller guy's stomach felled him in a single blow, and Betty turned to the Click here to read the rest of this story (108 more lines)
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