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Ding-A-Ling There Goes Spring (standard:humor, 906 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Jul 21 2024Views/Reads: 157/83Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
No matter my circumstances, I can trust God for my time today, tomorrow and forever. Spring comes, Spring goes but nothing changes as far as God is concerned. I’m in His hands.

In my life, time has a way of getting out of control. If I could control
time, I would be a very happy dude. My one question in life is, where 
does time go? And, can I retrieve it? 

The other night, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I sat in the
living room watching a little TV. 

I then heard a deep sigh from the other resident in the room. Looking
over I said, “Is anything wrong?” 

Looking back at me with one of “her looks,” she said, “Why is it so

At first, I thought she was talking about me as a hot dude. But after
thinking more about it, I concluded that I was not the hot dude she was 
talking about. She was talking about the weather. 

Sighing very deeply she said, “I just can't stand all of this hot
weather anymore.” 

She was born and raised in New York, and when the weather gets over her
age, she can hardly handle it. The weather was not too much over her 
age, but it was over her age. 

I waved my hand at her and said, “Oh, my dear, we are in Florida.” 

Scowling at me, she said, “I know that, but it wasn't this hot the other

Chuckling on the inside, I responded, “Well, my dear, Spring is over and
Summer is here. It's the climate change, silly.” 

I thought about that, and it's pretty interesting that things go as
quickly as they do. Why can't Spring stay with us just a little bit 
longer? Why can't Summer be shortened a month or two? 

Time does have a way of flying by quickly; if you don't pay attention,
it will be gone before you know it. 

Looking at me, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage replied, “I know
Spring is gone, I know Summer is here, but why does it have to be so 

Knowing her as well as I know her, I realized that was a rhetorical
question. She wasn't asking me for any information and so, I wasn't 
going to volunteer any information whatsoever. That's what usually gets 
me into trouble. 

But I couldn't help but think about that myself. Lately, we've been
having some very hot and humid days. It's been 100° or more almost 
every day. Some meteorologists are saying these are record hot days. 

I don't know if the record exists, but I would rather not play those
records very long. 

One thing about a hot day is that you can't do very much activity,
especially outside. I was outside one day doing some things, and pretty 
soon, I could hardly breathe, and my energy had all but disappeared. I 
think it went inside. 

I came in after that, got a nice glass of iced tea, and sat in my easy

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage looked at me and said, “So, why
are you in the house?” 

Without thinking, which is my usual MO, I replied, “It's just too hot
outside for me.” 

“Oh,” she said sarcastically, “so Spring has disappeared?” And then she
said, “Do you think it just might be Summer.” 

I hate it when what I say comes back to haunt me. 

On the other hand, these hot days do have a cool element. 

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