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Some Things Do Have a Purpose (standard:humor, 906 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Jun 30 2024Views/Reads: 189/127Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
No matter what I think, God has a purpose for my life. Each day is an opportunity to trust Him for that purpose.

One thing I have learned in life is that some things do have a purpose
no matter how bad they seem at the time. They don't seem to have any 
purpose when they happen, but you later discover a significant purpose 
behind it. 

I try to prepare for everything in life, but there are many things that
I just can't prepare for. I learned this after I got married. 

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage has often teased me about not
having a brain. 

When I flub up something, she looks at me, puts both hands on her hips,
and says, “Don't you have a brain?” 

With all the evidence on the table, I cannot verify that I actually do
have a brain. According to her assessment, if I had a brain, a lot of 
the stuff I flub up wouldn't get flubbed up. But, as The Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage says, “It is what it is.” 

When I'm in trouble and can't figure something out, she usually says,
“Don't you have a working brain to help you here?” 

The way things turned out, I could not answer in the affirmative. 

I like to think I have a brain, but the evidence along that line is not
very strong. 

Lately, things have begun to turn around to my benefit. 

I had a health issue; I think it was some kind of flu bug, which hit me
pretty hard. During one of my Sunday services, while preaching, I 
almost passed out. Because we were in a nursing home facility, a nurse 
came in and took my blood pressure. At the time, it didn't read very 

It was then that the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage told him that I
had to be taken to the hospital. I didn't quite understand what was 
happening at the time, so I just went along with where they took me. 
What choice did I have? 

I spent a day in the hospital and finally got out and was able to
schedule a visit with my physician. He checked me over and said he 
thought I needed to have one of those MRIs. 

At the time, I did not know what they were. But according to what I
understood, it was some brain scan to see if I had a mini-stroke or 

Given my state of health, I agreed with the doctor, who set up an
appointment for me to have an MRI. 

I never had one before, but I was to learn what the MRI stood for: Make
Room for Intrusion. And boy, was my head ever intruded. 

I went to have the MRI, and they set me up and did all the preparatory
things. They took me to the room where the MRI took place, prepared me, 
and then put earplugs in my ears. At the time, I had no idea what that 
was for. I would soon learn. 

According to the technician who was with me, I was to spend 25 minutes
under that machine, and there would be noise. 

Boy, was that understated. As soon as I got under, the noise hit me like
thunder from out of nowhere. I never heard noise quite like that 
before. It almost sounded like old rock ‘n' roll music. Although, not 
quite as stupid. No, I did not start singing. 

When it was over, they pulled me out, I sat up, and I couldn't hear a
thing. I looked at the nurse serving me and said, “I can't hear 

Looking at me and smiling, she said, “Well, if you took your earplugs
out you might be able to hear.” 

It was an adventure I hope I don't have to repeat anytime soon. But I

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