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synchronized symphony (standard:romance, 1101 words)
Author: ysogironAdded: May 14 2009Views/Reads: 3120/1928Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so. -- David Grayson

Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did
not say so. -- David Grayson 

The whole house was run amuck. Buzzes of conversations, hearty laughter
from both men and women and the jovial kind of music the house hadn't 
heard for an eternity filled the dimly lit gardens and so were the 
smell of served expensive drinks and sweets. All the while, Sebastian 
Stevens sat brooding on one corner, which was strange for he was 
usually situated among women during such parties, frantic to get to 
know the mysterious man that he was. A bottle of alcohol in one hand, 
his position and the way he was sitting made him appear like one 
ordinary party crasher, just in there for the food. The bottle's mouth 
remained unkissed. He still had not made a swig yet although he had 
been holding it the moment he sat there. In the dark, his eyes seemed 
to be confused and searching, his mind almost at a complete loss. 

“You're looking very good these days, my dear. Well, don't take my
comment badly. Of course you were a natural beauty but, this change--  
is it because of the old man's grandson?” 

The old man's grandson. Right, people never knew Sebastian. Not even his
name, Nicole thought but she just smiled at the question. Perhaps it 
was all because of him. 

Where are you, dammit? Talk. 

“I'll just go get some more food inside. Enjoy yourselves,” came the
cheery voice. 

Finally. He searched for her in the dark. Then, he was staring at her,
his eyes following her every move amidst the guests, as though fearful 
he might lose her. She was talking to them with the proper respect and 
politeness he never heard of her when talking to him. 

He stood up and went to her. “Let's talk”. He took hold of her arm and
dragged her to their room, ignoring people as they passed by while she 
kept excusing themselves. 

“Okay, let's talk but you really don't have to drag me in front of the
guests.” She pulled her arm free of his tight grip but he immediately 
grabbed her other arm. “You're hurting me,” she complained in an 
unsteady voice, because he really was, and not just physically at that. 

His eyes narrowed. “The hell I am but tell you what woman, this doesn't
even compare to how you've hurt me,” he said bitterly before closing 
their room's door. When he let go of her arm, she went immediately to 
the farthest corner of the room, near the window, just in case he 
decided to hurt her, she'll just jump off. 

He winced when he saw her massaging her arms unconsciously. When he
stepped closer, she stepped back. “I don't know how I've hurt you, 
Sebastian, but I–” she hold out a hand to stop him from getting any 
closer to where she was standing because she was feeling faint and it 
would take more time to jump off of the window if she was. He stopped 
just by the bed instead and she sighed with relief before she 
continued, “I'm sorry. Whatever it was, I didn't mean it – to hurt you, 
that is. I never wanted to hurt you, you know that, so could we just,” 
she swallowed and spoke her last three words just above a whisper, 
“forget about it?” 

His eyes pierced right through her and it frightened her. Punishments
always frightened her although this was the first time he got really 
furious. This was their first night. All over again. 

“You think this is all a joke?” 

She shook her head and swallowed hard even though she didn't even know
the ‘this' that he was referring to. 

“God, Nikki. I want to wring your neck,” he let out a desperate sigh and
sank into the bed. He shoved a hand into his hair. There was a full 
minute of silence with only their breathing to be heard. Hers was 
frightened, his, frustrated but uneven just the same. He stared at her. 
She looked at her feet. Finally, he asked her in his normal tone, “You 

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