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Sick Kid (standard:humor, 286 words)
Author: surfermikeAdded: Feb 09 2002Views/Reads: 3373/1Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
short story of an "almost" Beatles reunion a few years back.

Every Sunday morning I have brunch with my wife's uncle Tiim.  We get
together and chat about the previous week.  Tim is very wealthy, and 
cultured.  He is my age, and travels in the company of the rich and 
creative.  He is well educated and we have one main thing in common.  
We both used to drink, and now we are sober.  Friends of Bill Wilson.  
As we setteled into our cheese ommlette last Sunday Tim went into a 

He explained how he is in business with Ringo Starr.  Nothing to do with
music, but business none the less.  Ringo told him of a plan that he 
and Paul McCartney had a few years back to re-unite the three remaining 
Beatles.  George had always been reluctant to this, but Paul had set up 
a meeting in England at Georges' mansion.  Ringo and Paul drive up and 
enter the Harrison house to find George roaring drunk.  Plastered.  
Ringo and Paul help George to a kitchen table and there they are.  The 
three remaining Beatles sitting at a table.  One drunk, two sober.  
Paul goes into an explanation of a tour or an CD, or perhps both.  
Ringo chips in that he has talked to Eric Clapton, and wouldn't that be 
a great new band.  Three Beatles and Eric.  Fourty minutes pass, and 
finally George abruptly stands, and says, "O.K., I'll do it, but not 
while John is still dead." 

Silence.  Ringo tilts his head and looks at Paul and says, 'huh?' Paul,
with his mouth now open, suddenly looks at his watch, and announces.  
"Look, gotta go, Lynda is home with a sick kid."  They let themselves 
out as Ringo comments to Paul, "was he serious?" 


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