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You Break It, You Fix It (standard:humor, 911 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Oct 20 2024Views/Reads: 18/8Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
I do not base my life on my wisdom, rather on God’s wisdom that He gives abundantly to all who believe in Him.

Every once in a while, I hear or see something that reminds me of my
father. He's been gone for over 15 years, but his memory is still fresh 
in my mind. 

His most famous saying, that I remember, was, “It's better to ask for
forgiveness than for permission.” He lived that to the very end of his 

Another saying of his was, “You break it, you fix it.” He was quite
serious about this one, especially when it came to his children. If we 
ever broke anything, which was quite often, he made us fix it, at least 
to the best of our ability. 

I've been married to The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage for over 53
years, and that is one of her savings. “If you break it, you have to 
fix it.” 

At first, I assumed she was joking about this. But the first time I
broke something, I discovered that she wasn't joking about it at all. I 
had to fix what I had broken, and I don't quite remember what it was 

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage can fix anything and everything.
If something is broken, it kicks her in high gear, and she has to find 
a way to fix it. Usually, she finds a way to fix whatever is broken. 

I remember several years ago, the front bumper of my truck was loose. I
think one of the bolts had broken, and I didn't quite know what to do. 
I casually mentioned to her that the front bumper of my truck was 

That's all I had to do, and she was out there within 30 minutes, fixing
it. I was stunned because I didn't think it was fixable. But she took a 
big paperclip and put it on the place where the bolt had been broken. 
It was fixed. It's been fixed for over five years now. 

I sit on the other side of the table. The Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage can fix everything and anything, while I can break anything 
and everything. 

There is nothing that I cannot break and have broken down through the

That's why The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly have a
wonderful marriage. We are partners in the strictest sense of the word. 
I don't do what she can do, and she surely doesn't do what I can do. 

I can break anything, and she can fix anything, which has made our
relationship very amenable from the beginning. 

If I had not been so busy in ministry, we could have made a good
business out of flipping houses. I know how to handle a checkbook, and 
she knows how to handle home repairs. We could've made a fortune over 
the years. 

Usually, the wife breaks things, and the husband fixes them. I'm unsure
how our relationship developed, but we are the opposite. 

I'm not upset at what she can do, and she's not upset about what I can
do. Well, most of the time. 

She knows all the builder stores in the area. I'm not even sure of the
names of these stores, but she knows them and even knows the people who 
work there. These are only second to the thrift stores in the area. 

Last week we were doing something across town, and she mentioned that
she needed to stop at one of those building stores to get something for 
a project she was working on. Of course, I agreed. 

As we walked in, I realized that this was my first time in such a store.
But as we were walking around, I noticed that she knew everybody, and 
everybody knew her. She knew exactly where everything in that store 

A customer happened to stop her and asked if she knew where a certain

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