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Checkmate ch.1 Frozen Feelings (standard:adventure, 3694 words) [1/3] show all parts
Author: AndrewUpdated: Nov 19 2009Views/Reads: 3761/2163Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A king and queen are being run down by invaders from a distant land. There only hope for surving the war is to depend on each other. There loves gives him amazing powers that others only dream of. The only question is...will love be enough?

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

I could take on the entire world as long as she is there by my side. 

. . . 

I awake to the feel of a cold chill in the air. It's a brisk spring
morning but I feel more than just the cold of the seasons. I look up 
and Nena is no longer by my side. My heart begins to race. I hear a 
faint noise behind me and my stomach drops at the thought of what im 
about to find. I can sense the danger in the air as I turn around to 
three black pawns and a black knight holding Nena. 

BK-"Wakey wakey sleepy head. We thought you were going to sleep all
day." The Black knight taunts me as if he's actually waited for me to 
wake just to end my life. 

R-"You let her go right now or you'll regret it." My face burns in anger
at the thought of his hand touching her skin. I rise of the ground with 
fists clench wanting nothing more than to run headlong into the knight 
and knock him senseless. 

BK-"I don't think you're in any position to be making that kind of
threat. You make even one move forward and your precious queen dies." 
He is standing in a small river that runs though the middle of the 
canyon. He stands in front of his pawns holding the back of Nena's neck 
as she kneels on the ground in front of him with the water slowly 
flowing around  her flawless form. The water barely seems to come into 
contact with her as if its not worthy of even touching her. 

R-" I'm serious let her go." I grit my teeth as I speak in a harsh tone.

BK-" Oh he's serious were scared now, right boys." The knight mocks me
as if he feels untouchable. He thinks theres nothing I could possibly 
do and conveys it through his speech. 

BP-" Oh yeah real scared boss." The pawns repeat his words almost
robotically as if they have no minds of there own. 

BK-"What are you going to do about this ha?" He steps back and lowers
Nena's head into water. I stand there with my heart growing cold at the 
sight. "That's what I thought. You can't do a thing with all your 
strength." He laughs at my predicament knowing he has the power and I 
cant stop him. He lifts her head out of the water and she comes up 
breathing heavily but not saying a word. 

R- "Your right. I can't do anything with my strength." I grin to show
him he cant intimidate me and so he wont think he has the upper hand. 

BK- "So give yourself up. You're finished." He smirks still thinking he
has the advantage.I step to the right into the water and he tightens 
his grip on Nena's neck. " Hey I told you not to move." 

R-" No you told me not to move forward." My smile disappears as I toy
with him and look down so he cant see my eyes. 

BK-"Don't move at all." He shouts at me to try to get me from moving to
a better position. I can start to hear the fear in his voice. 

BP-"No boss it's true that is what you said." The pawn tries to correct
him in an almost comical manner. 

BK-"Shut up you fool." The remark irritates the knight as he dosnt want
to be talked down to by an underling. 

BP-"Well no need for that." The pawn dosnt realize he's done anything
wrong as the knight barks at him for seemingly no reason. The black 
knight turns to face the pawn and he draws his sword. 

BK-"You sure have a big mouth for one so easily replaced." He points his
sword in the direction of the pawn and the pawn backs up uneasily. I 
start to grow impatient with the knights apparent lack of interest in 

R-" Hey are you two done bickering yet or do you need more time.” My
heart grows colder every moment she's in there hands. The black knight 
turns back around to face me. 

BK-" And you my friend have quite the smart mouth being in the
predicament you find yourself in. With your queen here close to 
breathing her last breath." He again lowers and raises her head from 
the water. 

R-"I don't think so." My heart feels like solid ice. I kneel and dip my
hands into the water. I cant let this go on anymore. 

BP-“What is he doing.” The pawn looks on in wonderment as I seem to be
giving up after I appeared so confident. 

BK-"Ha! He is finally surrendering. Grab him now and take him captive
the king would like him alive if possible." The three pawns follow 
orders and  walk towards me through the ankle deep water. My skin 
tingles as it grow colder and I close my eyes. I concentrate and my 
body begins  to shiver. The three pawns start to argue among themselves 
as to whats going to take place 

BP-"Man what the heck is going on with him." “I don't know just grab
him." "Why don't you grab him." "Whoa what the..."The water in front of 
me begins to freeze into ice. The water freezes upriver towards the 
pawns and as it reaches them they freeze entirely from the bottom up. 

BP-" Oh no it's ....." The last pawn gasps as he freezes completely.The
ice just about reaches the Black knight when he steps behind Nena and 

BK-"Ha you wouldn't freeze your precious queen." He thinks he has found
a way to stop my power from reaching him but he's wrong. I open my eyes 
and raise my head to look at him. 

R-" Oh wouldn't I?" I continue to concentrate as the water slowly
freezes over Nena's body. 

N-"Huh! Redwan!" She screams not knowing what is going on. It fully
freezes over her and then continues all the way up the Black knight to 
his neck where I stop it for just a moment. 

BK-" What? No! How could you freeze your true love?! Your heartle..." He
takes his last breath before the ice covers over his head encasing him. 
I stand and walk over the frozen stream up past the first pawn. I swing 
my arm and smash him into thousands of pieces on the way by. I do 
likewise to the other two pawns as I pass. I come up to Nena and kneel 
down in front on her. I press my lips tenderly against hers and the ice 
melts away. 

N-"Huhhhh!" She gasps in air as the ice uncovers her and I hold her from
falling to the ground. 

R-"Nena are you ok?" Concerned I sit her down so that she can catch her

N-"I ...I think so." Left slightly dazed from the experience she finally
comes to realize whats just taken place. 

R-"I'm sorry I could think of no other way to save you." I hope she can
forgive my harsh action. 

N-"No its ok I understand you did what you had too." She knows she
is ok now and tries to stand but to no avail. She needs more time to 
regain herself. I make sure she's sitting and then stand up just in 
front of the frozen Black knight. 

R-"I told you you'd regret it." I raise my arm and pat him on the head.
The ice topples to the ground and the knight is no longer a problem. I 
help Nena get to her feet. 

R-"Are you sure your ok?" Shes still breathing fairly heavy from her

N-"Yes I'll be fine thank you. Now how did you do that?" She stands
close to me with her hand on my chest. 

R-"Honestly I'm not sure. Every time my feelings for you get involved I
seem to unlock new powers and abilities." It honestly a mystery how 
these things just come to me sometimes. Its like I don't know I have 
them but somehow I do know. 

N-"Well im certainly glad you found this one." She lays her head on my
shoulder as I hold her close to me warming her body. 

R-"Me too now maybe you should rest?" I try to get her to sit down and
take a breather but she wont have it. 

N-"Rest! Do you see what happens when we rest?” She says matter of fact
and giggles to show her unserious nature. 

R-"Oh yeah ha-ha. That's true...ok let's continue down the canyon." I
take her hand in mine and turn towards the end of the canyon. 

N-"Sounds good to me." She smiles at me and we keep on our path down the
canyon. "So what's the plan?" 

R-"I'm not sure exactly. What would you like to do?" I don't really have
a plan at the moment so I ask for her opinion hoping for an idea to 
come to me. 

N-"I really don't want to have to fight anymore. I want it to just be me
and you without all this opposition in the way." She pulls herself in 
closer to me as we walk. 

R-"I'm know me too but as long as the Black Distance doesn't want us
together there never going to let us be in peace." She looks down in 
sadness. I put my hand under her chin and lift her head. “Hey now chin 
up don't worry." 

N-"How can I not?" I try and think of something I can say to make her
feel better at what seems like a hopeless situation were in. 

R-"Hmm .........ok I have a plan. So the king and queen of the Black
Distance want us dead right and they wont stop until we are.  All we 
have to do is get to them and defeat them before they can get to us." 

N-"You really think we can do that?" Her voice starts to rise as the
thought of freedom comes to her mind. 

R-"Of course. Why do you think they want us apart in the first place?
Its because they know that together were are to powerful and they're 
afraid of us. We can use that to our advantage and take the upper hand 
in this war.” I sound confident know as I convince her as much as im 
convincing myself now that I have a plan of attack. 

N-"Ok I guess we have no other choice" Though her voice still sounds
lined with sadness she knows this is our best hope for a future. 

R-"Yeah and remember I said ill protect you." I turn to her and smile.
She turns to face me and gently lays her hand on my cheek. 

N-"I know you will. I have no doubt about that." She puts her arms
around me to show she trusts me. 

R-"Then what are you worried about ha?" I put my arms around her slowly
and we stop walking. 

N-"You need to be able to protect yourself. Just be careful ok. No need
to get caulky or take risks." She puts a finger to my chest. 

R-"Hey come on its me." I look at her and raise my eyebrow humorously
trying to inspire some trust from her as to my carefulness. 

N-"Yeah that's what im afraid of." She pokes her finger into my chest
again and giggles at my gesture. She knows me all to well to believe 
I'll change. 

R-"Aww I'm always caref..Ahh!" An arrow hits me in the back of my right

N-"Redwan! Are you ok?" She screams at the sight of the arrow coming
from my shoulder and panics at what to do. I pull the arrow out  and 
toss it to the ground as blood streams down my back. 

R-"Yeah im fine. It wasn't deep but where did it come from." The arrow
did hit me pretty good but I couldn't let her know that. We look back 
and forth and there is no one either way in the canyon. 

N-"Look up there. There on the canyon wall." She points up the canyon
and I look up to see at least three Black towerman on the canyon wall 
with there arrows focused on us. 

BT-"There is no way out of this one you two your trapped." They tighten
there arrows and release them down on us. 

N-"There right. How can we get out of this." There is desperation in her
voice as she stares into my eyes. 

R-"I don't know but I know I will keep my promise to protect you." I
shield her with my body as a hail of arrows comes down around us. 

N-"No! What are you doing you'll be killed!" She shouts at me and tries
to push me off but I wont let her. 

R-"No I wont I promised I would protect you and that's what im going to
do. You just have to trust me to be your shield." 

N-" O...ok." She stops protesting and kneels down so I can more easily
cover her trusting that I can save us both. Just then an arrow strike 
me in the back but snaps on contact with my body. My body has turned to 
solid steel and the arrows glance off left and right. 

R-"See what did I say." I smile at her and wink that every things going
to be ok. . N-"But .. but how?" Her voice cracks in disbelief that were 
still alive and seemingly inharmed. 

R-"You just gotta trust me that's all." I hold out my hand for her to

N-"I do trust you." She grabs my hand and I feel it start to tingle.
Sparks rush through me and I can hardly keep it in. My body changes 
back to normal but an amazing feeling rushes through me. I turn halfway 
towards the canyon wall and raise my other hand towards the enemy. 
Lightning pulses from one hand to the other and out my fingertips. It 
explodes into the canyon wall and the Black towermen are buried in 

R-" Yes we did it...Uh! Just as I turn around im met by the heel of a
Black knight who kicks me across the canyon floor. 

BK-"Tsk tsk always leaving yourself open like that you really should be
more careful." He puts his sword around Nena's neck and I get to my 

R-"Man im gettin sick of you guys trying to be witty I don't think they
pay you enough to have a sense of humor. Besides your the one who's 
left yourself open." I grin as I toy with his mind trying to catch him 
off guard. 

BK-"Ha! I'm the one holding the girl what do you have? Nothing." He
feels confident in his position and scoffs at the thought that he's 
left himself open. 

R-" That's true, actually your right. Do you mind if I sit down to
surrender?" I lower my head and drop my voice to show submission. I 
kneel down on the ground in front of him. 

BK-"Um ..I guess so." He's wary to allow my request but doesn't see the
harm in it. 

R-"So you really think you have the upper hand ha?" Still I work on his
confidence to try and by time. 

BK-"Uhh yes, yes I do, I do have the upper hand." He thinks about my
question and looks me up and down trying to make sure I cant possibly 
have a trick up my sleeve. 

R-"Ok as long as you believe that." I can tell he's nervous and he
begins to sweat as I sit down. I feel behind me and pick up the arrow 
that I had thrown to the floor. "You sure you don't want to just run 
off. I'll tell your boss you put up a good fight." His legs begin to 
shake and he tightens his grip on his sword. 

BK-" Why would I? I clearly have the better position here." I can see
his knees growing weak but don't want to push the situation any farther 
as he does have a sword to Nena's neck. 

R-"Ok suit yourself." I reach my right hand around my left side and
tightly grip the arrow. “One more chance?" He grips his sword even 
tighter but doesn't say a word as he stares at me wondering what to 
expect next. "No?... ok." I bring my arm around and quickly launch the 
arrow from my hand. It pierces the knight's body and he drops the sword 
as he drops to the ground lifeless. 

R-"Wow I cant believe that worked." I get off the ground laughing as I
joke with Nena. 

N-What! You were just hoping that would work while he had a sword around
my neck?" She barks at me and looks at eh knight next to her laying on 
the ground. 

R-"Well when you say it like that it doesn't sound as good as it went.”
She glares at me as I swagger over and put my arms around her. "Aww 
come on you know im kidding. Of course I knew it would work." 

N-"Remember what I said about taking risks?" Her eyes looks up at me in
a disapproving manner. 

R-"Yes I know and I didn't. I had it under control." I pull her close
and run my hand through her silky black hair. 

N-" Ok well you did do a good job so I'll this one go." She finally
gives in to my reasonings. 

R-"Thank you. You know that why I love you, your just so forgiving." She
giggles as I shake us back and forth and hugs me back. 

R-"Alright well we better get some rest now. We got a big day ahead if
were going to try and get to the king." We sit down on the ground with 
our backs against the canyon walls. 

N-"Alright you'll protect me tonight though right?" I put my arm around
her and she leans her head on my shoulder. 

R-"Of course. You can sleep securely tonight." She snuggles her head
into the side of mine and we close our eyes as the sun goes below the 
canyon walls. 


This is part 1 of a total of 3 parts.
  show all parts next part

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