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What The Government Won't Tell You (standard:Fan Fiction, 1456 words)
Author: Reid LaurenceAdded: Feb 08 2006Views/Reads: 3799/2500Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This story is about something you would never guess, and I don't want to give it away! Just give it five minutes of your time.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

t-that...” “Spit it out son. What's on yer mind. Remember, ah'm a 
people, just like you.” “Yes sir. Well, we're s-sitting here watching 
our computer monitor and...” “And what son, ah'm very busy, like I 
said. You know those terrorists ain't gonna wait all day, you know that 
don'tcha?” “Yes sir, I know. It's just that, we're pretty sure we're 
receiving a message sir.” “A what?” “A message from another planet sir. 
A planet trillions of miles from here. Probably more like a hundred 
trillion miles sir. Can you believe it?” “What's it say?” he asked. 
“Read it to me.” “So far sir, all we have is a letter “B”. A bright red 
letter “B”.” “That all? That's what's innerupted mah golf game? A 
letter “B”? Look son, why don'tch call me back when the whole thing 
comes through. Ah gotta bad hook taday ah gotta sort out, an it ain't 
gonna get done on the phone, you read me?” “I read you sir, but I'm 
watching a second letter appear as we speak. It's another letter sir. 
The letter “U”.” “Okay, okay. I'll play the game. Anything else? Any 
other letters?” “Yes! “ I shouted into the phone. “We have another 
letter coming through sir. The letter is an “S”, can you believe it. 
They're sending us a message in English sir. It must be very important 
to them to have sent it in English so that we can understand it. Isn't 
it fantastic Mr. President!” “Ah suppose. Anything else...wait a minute 
son.” I heard the president say, as he covered the mouthpiece of the 
phone with his hand. “Hold on there dad! Be with ya in a minute. 
Somebody from Puerto Rico on the phone. Yeah..., go on now. Ya got mah 
full attention. Any more letters in the message, or code, or whatever 
it is?” “There is sir! The next letter is an “H”! It appears that 
they've spelled your name sir! Can you imagine that?!” “Well, at least 
these be'ins from the edges a our solair system have good taste. Now 
son, if you'll allow me ta get back ta mah game...” “But sir, there's 
more! That's not the entire message! Wait...there's a whole word 
appearing on our screen. It's coming in plain as day sir. This is so 
exciting!!” “Okay, lay it on me. What's it say? What's the second 
word?” “It's, it's hard to say, sir?” “Whaddaya mean, ‘hard ta say'? Ya 
jes told me a second ago it was a com'in in plain as day, didn'tcha?” 
“Yes...I, I guess I did, didn't I.” “Well then, what's it say? Read it 
ta me. Now is not the time ta be shy, son. Go on.” “Well sir, the 
second word is; ‘SUCKS'. The message reads...'BUSH SUCKS'” And without 
further hesitation, I heard the President hang up his handset, bringing 
our one time conversation to a curt, but enlightening closure. “What 
did he say?” asked Jody. “We had to tell him the truth, didn't we? I 
mean, we couldn't lie to him. He's the President. You can't lie to the 
President of the United States.” “Yeah, I know,” I replied. “There was 
no way out. There's just one thing I wanna know now.” “What's that?” 
asked Dr. Wesley. “You think they'll cut spending to the program?” 
“Whadda you think?”


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