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Yellow Country (standard:Psychological fiction, 930 words)
Author: Aubrey CarterAdded: Nov 19 2004Views/Reads: 3696/2360Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A young girl who has been dreaming of the day she will receive her wedding ring her entire life finds out the truth about diamond mining.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

As she walked through the parking lot toward her car, she thought about
the teacher. If she knew the history of that diamond, she wouldn't wear 
it.  Or would she? It's the symbol of her marriage.  What's she going 
to do?  Throw it away? She probably won't care where it came from. 

She stopped in mid-step.  Do people know this?  Do they know it and buy
diamonds anyway?  A heaviness settled inside her as she began to 
realize the dilemma women were in.  Even if they weren't attached to 
their wedding ring, what could they do? A pawn shop might take them for 
a tiny fraction of what was paid, but they would never get the 
thousands that were paid when they were young and in debt. 

No one was home when she arrived.  Slowly, she climbed the stairs that
led to her bedroom.  Bright yellow walls still greeted her.  Not much 
had changed in all the years she had lived in this room.  She knelt 
next to the bed and removed her diary.  She'd never written more than a 
few pages, but she had saved several pictures and clippings in there.  
She turned the pages until she found the advertisement for the diamond 
ring.  It was well worn from being unfolded and folded hundreds of 
times.  She looked at it for a moment.  Memories flooded her mind of a 
girl sitting next to the window, daydreaming of the day this picture 
would materialize. 

She was surprised at how easily the paper tore. 


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