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Sick Sad Girl (standard:drama, 5472 words) | |||
Author: Freya Love | Added: Oct 23 2004 | Views/Reads: 3953/2578 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
A journey of a giril named Peta. That changed her life and opened her eyes forever. | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story relationship, starts making me feel sad and unappreciated. When we sleep in the bed together, he sleeps with his back towards me. He stopped holding my hand, and he kisses me like someone kisses there mother. They may seem like little things to some people. But to me, Eric not doing these things makes me feel unloved. So I start to ask for advice. I go to nurses, assistants, therapists, and friends. They all say I should leave him. I decide to move in with Renee or Stacey. They are understanding and caring. All I will have to do is get a job to help with the bills and help keep the house clean. I made up my mind. I start to think if I left Eric, I won't have the anxiety or depression anymore. He calls me, and I tell him bits of how I feel. It will be better if we split up. Eric is upset and crying. I feel so bad I start to cry. But I feel unappreciated, and it seems like he talks down to me, treats me like I'm stupid, and acts like I'm a kid. September 24, 2004 About 5 days before I'm getting out. A new patient, Kevin is brought to Spring Hill. He does not talk at first. He is pissed off at first. Later he tells me he died, and it's a nice and dark peaceful place with no pain. The doctors brought him back to life. He kept on saying that he just wanted to die. That's when he was brought to the Spring Hill. Kevin was Baker Acted. His daughters, Kristin and Tairrie were so scared he would try to kill himself, and succeed. So Kevin is put in the Spring Hill for about a week, to get his mind and meds straight. The next day he hears me talking to Renee, Stacey, and Maxx about snakes and lizards. He sits down next to me, and starts talking about lizards and snakes. Kevin tells me he once owned a pet store in Tampa. We start to talk about different things. It's very cool. Kevin is a very smart and interesting guy. We get to talk more when we go out for smoke break. I notice when he talks he has an accent. It kind of sounds British. But I do not want to assume he is from England. Plus Kevin is too tan to be from there. The British live in the cold and rain, so they're pretty pale. Unlike Kevin,who is very tan. He looks like an Native American, with his pretty brown long hair with blond streaks. Anyway he tells me he was born in South Africa. Very Cool. I go to bed the happiest I felt in along time, because I have met someone interesting and a person I can relate to. Kevin, My Soul Mate The next 2 or 3 days Kevin starts hanging out with Renee, Stacey, Maxx and I. He hangs out mostly with me. When we eat meals he sits by me, when we have our smoke breaks he is right by my my side. As we speak, it's amazing. I get to know how smart he is and how much we have in common. I start thinking what a sincere, caring, nice, and intelligent person he is. I start to have feelings for him. He's 48, but I do not give a fuck. I think Kevin and I are brought there for a reason, so we can meet and be together. One night when Kevin was not around Renee pulls me to the side, and tells me Kevin told her he has feelings for me. That makes me so happy to hear. The next day, my back is killing me. It hurts so bad I actually cry. Kevin sees that, and when we go on smoke break he massages my back. It feels very nice. It starts raining and gets cold. He moves to the side and lets me snuggle up next to him. It feels so nice. I have not snuggled with a man in a long time. Later on, Kevin sneaks into my room. I'm laying down, because I'm in pain. My back is hurting again. He sits on my bed and gives me another back massage. Then Kevin leans over and holds me in his arms. I can tell, he really has feelings for me. It feels so right. He tells me he will be leaving soon. So I spend all the time I can with Kevin. It is so sweet. We play footsies, brush up against each other when we pass in the hallway, we are always touching each other. But in a way the nurses can not not see it. They will yell at us if they see it. Stacey gets to go home the next day. Renee, Theo, Kevin, and I get her phone number so we can keep in touch. Kevin will be also leaving later that day. I start to feel sad. I think I will not see him or talk to him again. Before he leaves he gives me his phone number and address. He promises he will call and visit Renee and I when we get into the Release unit. It's a 30 day program. Where we get more therapy and coping skills to help us with our mental illness. When we are on smoke break, a doctor comes out and tells Kevin he can leave. He does not leave until he gives me a hug and a kiss. Just that makes me know I will hear from him and see him again. The Great Escape Renee is accepted into the Release program. I'm so happy for her. She wants to get better, and she knows that will help her. A day or so later, my doctor comes up to me and tells me my insurance will not cover it. So I'll be released the next day. Even though I told him and the nurses, if I go home right now. I would harm or even kill myself. I become friends with a very nice girl Bettie. She knows the whole story. Bettie is getting out the same day as me, and she says I could come stay with her. When I'm getting ready to be released the nurse finds out our plans and will not let me go home with her. I have to go to a shelter by bus or get my own ride to there. Kevin is outside waiting for me. We are going to spend the day together, then he'll drop me off at Bettie's. So I make a plan. I tell the nurse I have my own ride, David a friend of the family. Kevin comes into the lobby to pick me up. He wears a hat, his hair is tucked up in his hat, and he has sunglasses on so no one will recognize him. The receptionist calls up to where I'm at and tells the head nurse my ride is here. The head nurse walks me to the lobby. She does not recognize Kevin. So me and him leave with no problem. I decide I do not want to go to Bettie's that will not be the be thing for me. I ask Kevin if I can spend the night with him, then call Stacey in the morning to stay with her. She said if I needed to I was welcome to stay with her. But that changes, he talks his daughter Tairrie and her boyfriend Chino into letting me stay. All they ask is for Kevin and I to get jobs. Which is reasonable. If you live with someone, you have to contribute money for food and bills. I'm going to fuck you all night long Later that night, about 11 pm. We go to lay down to go bed. I start kissing Kevin. He starts rubbing on me, and playing with me. He gets horny and wants to fuck. I tell him if we're going to, he has to wear a condom. I tell him straight up I'm on no birth control. We go to the Shell gas station to pick up condoms. He says he's done with having kids, so that makes him willing to wear a condom. Even though he hates them. The last time I hade sex was along time ago. I'm like damn. I play with him for a while, even give him a blow job. But with a condom on, which feels weird. So I just play with him until he gets hard. Before we have sex, he plays with me some more, and goes down on me. I don't know how long we have sex. I think it's the best sex I had in a long time. Maybe because I have not had sex in 7 months. Well, anyway I have multiple orgasms that night. It is mind blowing. When Kevin and I are done, he says at night he can go all night long. But if he does not have any the night before, in the morning it only takes minutes for him to get off. The sex is amazing. We do it every day, between 2 or 3 times a day. Sometimes more. His voice is sexy. Kevin talks to me when we have sex. He says "I'm going to fuck you all night long". Just that makes me orgasm. It is just amazing. After we have sex, I'm still breathing heavy for hours. A Witch is born He finds a job. He is working for a temp agency. Before he goes to work the first day. Kevin and I sit on the porch and spend some time together. I wear a pentagram with a snake around it. I do not want anything bad to happen to him. So I let him wear it. It's been on me for a long time, I know it has all my strength and protective energy in it. I do a little spell to it also, before I give it to him. A protection spell. It works he comes home that night unharmed and safe. I thank the gods and goddesses. Another night he goes to get food from Wendy's. It was weird, I can see the police are near him. I use my energy to keep them away from him. 5 minutes later he is home. He tells me the cops were at the gas station and Wendy's. The exact places I seen them at in my mind. So the magick I did worked, because Kevin is back home, safe, and with me. Again ,another day I sit on his bed in the lotus position. I breathed in positive energy in, negative energy out. While I'm doing it I think about Kevin. I'm doing magick to get rid of all the negative energy inside of him. It works. All the negativity he has around him begins to lessen. Before I left him and went back to Eric, I say he can keep my pentagram for protection and something to remember me by. I have something to remember Kevin by too. A jelly bracelet he let me have. Every time I look at it, I'll think of him and pray he's ok. Living like Sid And Nancy I care deeply about Kevin. But the lifestyle he lives is too fast for me. Eric and I plan ahead and live day by day. Kevin lives minute to minute. Which got scary. I never know what is going to happen next, if I'm going to be alive or dead. One day he takes me to a drug dealers house to collect the money this bitch owes him. If she does not have that he will make a deal instead of money. She can give him Xanax. He knows I was having withdraw, so he wants to get the Xanax. Because he sees I'm having seizures and liquid is coming out of my mouth. After while that goes away. But that day before he went to the drug dealers house. Kevin drives me around and trys to find a pay phone, so I can tell Eric I was ok. I'm shaking and crying the whole time. I call Eric but I get the answering machine. I leave a message saying I was ok, and I'll call him later or tomorrow. Then we go to the drug dealers house. He goes inside and I wait in the car. But the whole time I'm thinking what the fuck am I doing sitting in front of a drug dealer's house. This is not me. But maybe I'm doing it because I love Kevin. So it's true love is blind. The Gods and Goddesses work in mysterious ways. Kevin and I are sitting on the porch. He says I can get a job being an exotic dancer. He tells me I can make $500 to $1,000 a week. I think it is a good idea. We really need the money. We can give his daughter money for living with her, pay his tickets off, and get our own place. I tell him he will not have to work if I get money like that. All he will have to do is give me a ride to and from work, and stay there and watch me to make sure I'm safe. We look in the newspaper, and there's an opening for a dancer at Class Act. So we drive there. We walk in, and the manager cards me right away. We tell him we'd get the ID and we'll be back. He is pretty cool with that. We go to his daughter Kristin's house so I could call Eric. Get him to mail me my ID, So I can get the job at Class Act. But when I get on the phone with Eric, I can tell how sad he is without me. I can tell then how much he loves me. Especially when he tells me he'll pick me up right now. I tell Kevin, he is very understanding. Kevin is even cool to Eric and gives him directions. He knows the life we are living is too fast for me, and I need to be somewhere stable. So no matter what others say I know Kevin cares about me. To make a great sacrifice like that is hard, but it takes a person that cares about you. Someone that only wants the best for you, even if it means letting you go. Why does life have to be so fucked up? Eric said he'll be there in a hour and a half. So we go to Tairrie's where Eric is picking me up. At first Kevin is ok with it. Then he gets really depressed. He says "Life's fucked up, why do I have to lose you, the best thing that has ever happened to me?" He cries the whole way to Tairrie's. When we get there we sit on the porch. The tears are pouring like crazy. It breaks my heart to see him so sad. Then he starts saying "I just want to die", over and over again. There is no way I can let him die, I care about him too much to let that happen. Kevin gets up out the chair, and says he wants to take a walk. He thinks that will make him feel better. So we walk to the pond behind the apartments. When we get to the pond, Kevin looks at it for a minute or so. Then he sits in front of a tree. All the sudden he lays down on the ground, like he does not care if dies right there. Kevin starts saying "I just want to die, It's nice, dark, peaceful, and there's no pain." Somehow I get him up and take him back to the apartment. He sits on the porch, and I get my stuff together. After I get my stuff together I go back on the porch. Kevin is still crying. He said he wants to go in and lay down. I want him to stay by me to make sure he will be safe. Then he says "I'll kick Eric's ass when he gets here". So I let him go lay down, maybe he'll have a clear mind, and feel better when he wakes up. He is pretty drunk, so I think resting will sober him up. Good Bye My Love, Kevin Eric is there in a hour and a half. I put my bags in his dad's trunk. Pop drove him there to make sure he'll be ok. Before I leave I tell Eric I have to check on Kevin to make sure he is ok, and say goodbye to him. Eric does a really nice thing. He gives me $30 to give to Kevin. I give Kevin the money, give him a kiss, and tell him I love him. He wakes up in better shape. He gives me a hug and a kiss before I walk out the door. He says he wants to meet Eric. They are pretty cool to each other. Eric shakes Kevin's hand and thanks him for talking care of me. Kevin tells him "You have a really special girl here, take care of her. Peta's been a great friend to me." Before I leave I ask Kevin if he'll be ok. If he does not seem right, I'm going to take him to the hospital. There is no way I'm going to walk away and let him die. Kevin tells me he'll be ok. I can feel he is telling the truth. He will be ok. The Demons Inside Me The Aftermath The monster has been awaken. This is the tale of I, Peta. A drug addict. I feel like the only way I can take away the emotional pain is through alcohol, snorting Oxycontin, Oxycodon, Xanax and any other pills I can get high off. Happy to be home Hi, It's me Peta. I'm here to tell you the aftermath of my experience. On the way home Friday night, Eric, his Dad, and I stop at McDonald's to get dinner. It's so nice to eat a real meal for a change. I have not hade a real meal in a week, except for the dinner from Wendy's Kevin picked us up. Basically we lived off of soda, water, and peanut butter sandwiches. So the meal I'm eating now is a delight. After we finish our dinner, all of get back into the car. Eric snuggles with me. I feel so nice and safe. I fall asleep for awhile. Then I wake up, to see we're almost home. It will take a half a hour to get home. When we get home, I jump out of the car. I look at our house and yard as I enter the yard. My dogs Mary Kate and Ashley, jump on me and give me kisses. It makes me so happy they remember me. Eric walks up to the porch, and we both enter our house. Our cats Neo, Salem, and Midget great me. My babies are so glad to see me. It's so great to be home with Eric, and all my babies. I know you may think it's weird, but I always call my animals my babies. They're like children to me. Time to talk That night Eric and I just sit around in the living room, play with our babies and watch tv. Eric tells me, he has taken the next 2 days off. So we can talk about what happened and figure out our problems. He tells me he is sorry for making me feel unloved and unappreciated. For now on he will do everything he can to make me happy. Eric truley loves me, and does not want to lose me again. Later that night, my back starts to hurt me. Eric can tell, and he gives me an Oxycodon to relieve the pain. He asks me if I'd like a back massage, and I say yes. So we go into the bedroom and he gives me a nice massage. Eric puts some lotion on my back. My muscles start relaxing and I feel much better. After that we go back into the living room. I snuggle up to him and we watch tv for awhile. About 12 we go to bed and go to sleep. That night I slept the best I have in weeks. Because now I feel the safest I have felt in along time. Eric and I wake up to a beautiful Saturday morning. Sunny and nice and warm. Since I started to get my medicines I needed back into my system, I feel 100% better. I'm shaking less, I feel less nervous, and I feel much happier that I did when I first got home last night. I feel like this is going to a great day. Eric and I head over to Pop and Carrie's house for lunch. Everyone is so happy to see that I'm home and I'm safe and happy. Eric's little sister Krystal, runs up to me and hugs me and gives me a kiss. Eric grabs a seat at the kitchen table. I give hugs to Carrie, Pop, and Pop Pop. They said anytime I need to talk, they'll be here for me. It feels so nice to have people that support me and only want me to be healthy again. Then I also sit down to eat lunch. Lunch is delicious. We have friend chicken and fried potatoes from Winn-Dixie. After everyone finished lunch, Eric and I go over to our house. So we can start talking about my feelings, his feelings, and what happened to me. I told him the things he did and how the way they made me feel. He thought for awhile, and realized he did those things. For things to work we have to work on these issues, and communication. My big flaw is lack of communication. All though my life I kept things in. I need to stop that and become more open with Eric. Just by doing that, things became allot better. Over the next week things were great, I start to hang out with Krystal, Cairrie, Pop, and Pop, Cathy and I become friends, go out to lunch, walk around the mall, and talk on the phone, I play with my babies, I start writing stories, and keeping the house clean. Taking my meds right, and keeping my ming busy. Things like that keep me happy and have a clear mind. I'm so happy that Eric's learning to appeciate me, and it feels great that I'm starting to feel much better. Eric and I fool around one night. I give him a blow job, that is very enjoyable for him. He plays with me like no one has ever. I'm having so many orgasms. I've lost count. My pussy is so wet. It's out of this world. When we are both pleased, we go have a cigarette and watch tv. Take away the pain The past week and 2 days went by great. Then I begin to slip. I love Eric with all my heart and appreciate everything he's doing for me. But I start to think about Kevin, missing him, wondering how he's doing, and why I haven't heard from him. I just want the feelings to go away. So I start to drink heavy. Then I start to snort Oxycontin, Oxycodone, and Xanax. I hate having these feelings, so maybe if I get high. I'll stop having these feelings and just be numb. Eric becomes suspicious first about the drinking, because I never drank the way I am in along time. But I told him I just want to have fun. So he chills out. One day he sees his bottle of Oxycontin was empty. He does not say anything to me. Eric just thinks he took the last 3. But in reality I take the 3 to the bathroom, crush them up, and snort them. When I no longer have the Oxycontin. I see Eric has a bottle of Oxicodon, so I start to sneak them and snort them. Days go by and he notices that his pills are almost gone. So he approches me and asks me about the Oxycodon. I admit that I was talking them. Eric doesn't get angry. But he still needs the pills, so he hides them. He puts them in a place where I can't find them, and a spot he only knows about. That doesn't keep me from getting high. Eric is getting my refills of Ativan, Trileptal, Effexor XR, and Trazadone. Untill I can get a script for Xanax XR. We both go to the Winn-Dixie to pick up my scrips and some stuff for the house. When we get home I come up with a plan. I told Eric I could take the Ativan untill I can get my Xanax XR. It still has a couple refills. I go into the bathroom with the bottle of Xanax. I dump them into my purse, and act like I flush them down the toliet. Before I go back into the kitchen, I grab the empty Xanax bottle. When I go to the kitchen, I trashed the empty bottle. Eric sees what that, and asks me why. I tell him so I won't have the temptation of getting high off the Xanax. He asks about my other meds, and I tell him I fell like I can't get high off them. Eric trust me and allows me to continue to take the meds on my own. Later that nite I ask him for one more Oxycodon. At first he says no. I plea, and plea untill he gives in. Eric gives me one Oxycodone. The he threws the bottle of empty Oxycodone bottle at me, and says "This is how much I care about your health." A brand new addiction It's Thurday morning, I awake at about 11 am. I take my last 3 Xanax, to make me feel high and numb because I start feeling sad, and missing Kevin again. I wish he was by my side. He would make me feel much better. Pop, Cairrie and I went to Winn- Dixie to get my Effexor XR that the pharmarcit owes me. I hade to wait till the pharmacist finished filling my script untill I could pick it up. So I went and pick up the juices that Eric wanted me to pick up. After I go to the counter and payed for them, the script was ready. After I pick up my script up, I go back and jump into Pop and Cairrie's car. They are ready to go, and they drop me off at mine and Eric's house. Where I take the rest of the meds I have to take, my Effexor XR, my Trileptal, and my Ativan. I'm feeling good right now, but kind of tired. So I'll stay up for a bit, then take a little nap. Later on I'll clean the house a little more and fix dinner to make Eric happy and proud that I got up and did something. I'm going to try to stop taking drugs to relieve the emotional pain and make myself numb. Instead I will use my artistic talents. Writing poetry lets me express myself, and gets all my anger and sadness out. I'm starting to write short stories that relieves the pain. I'm starting to sing to A Perfect Circle, Hole, and other bands. I might not be able to sing all that great, but it relieves all the stress. As they say practice makes perfect. Once I feel like I'm good, I'll set my poetry to songs. Get a band together, and that will be my release. Then I'll start to feel much better, drug free. Wish me luck I'm sure going to need it. I have a tough road in front of me. But I know I can overcome it, because I'm a survivor. Tweet
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