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A Visit from Saint Nick (standard:adventure, 1116 words)
Author: Andrew DaytonAdded: Oct 19 2004Views/Reads: 3886/2559Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
An unusual visit from Santa Claus.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

face was open and split into a long grin.  He gave me a wink and 
suddenly vanished.  It was, to the best of my recollection, at this 
very moment that my senses gave out and I fell in a stupor, unconscious 
upon the floor. 

I awakened on the cold flagstones and rose to my feet.  The sight that
awaited me was unchanged from the night before.  I slipped warily into 
the room and gazed at the packages beneath a tree that dominated the 
chamber.  It was, perhaps, the sunlight streaming in through the 
windows that imbued the scene with a peacefulness that contrasted 
starkly with the terror I had experienced just hours before.  Yet it 
was with a shaking hand that I poured a glass of claret and strove to 
recall each detail of the night. 

My experiments forgotten for the time being, I walked down to my
laboratory to fetch my notebook.  I ascended the stairs and built a 
fire in the fireplace.  I recharged my glass and began writing in these 
pages a witness' account of something surely unbelievable to anyone not 
in attendance. 

For the three years since that stormy night my notebook has lain without
a fresh entry.  My desire to test the mysteries of science has been 
bested by the mystery of the little gay figure that so generously 
deposited his load of gifts in my castle.  I shall in time resume my 
experiments, most assuredly, but for now I am content to fish in the 
summer, hunt fowl in the fall, read books in the winter and plant my 
garden in the spring.  Thus I have passed three years and should be 
content to pass a good many more. 


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