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MR. SENSITIVE (standard:other, 2860 words) | |||
Author: Lewis | Added: Jun 25 2003 | Views/Reads: 3423/2258 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
A sleazy kind of guy, who has no real luck with the ladies (due to his lack of insight and charisma I'm sure), finally gets lucky with a girl. He gets more than he expected - A lot more... | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story “How do you have it?” “Have what?” She giggled again, in the same way as before. I love continuity. “Your coffee, silly” “Oh, Black, lots of sugar” “How much is lots?” “Surprise me” “I thought you'd be sweet enough” “What?” “You know, some people say they don't have sugar because they're sweet enough. I thought you'd be like that. You seem sweet enough.” “Believe me, no-one is sweet enough. And besides, I think sugar in coffee is more a reflection of a sweet tooth, than of an underlying goodness in personality.” I hope that didn't sound too harsh. “I guess you're right” She brings two cups of coffee through, and places them on the table just opposite of the couch on which she joins me. It smelt like good coffee, not like instant stuff. Just real good coffee..... “Sorry, I only have instant” Shows how much I know about coffee..... “So why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself. I mean, I don't even know your name.” “I am called Lucy. You probably didn't hear me over the noise of the club, but I mentioned that before. I don't recall your name either....” “Chris. The names Chris.” “Well, Chris, I work as a waitress at the diner just opposite here. The pay is shitty, but enough to get by. I rarely go out, being the nervous type, but I made an exception tonight, and went to club Vertigo, which is where we met. I don't have any family nearby, and the only people I could call friends are my fellow tenants in this apartment building. And yourself ?” “Well, Lucy,” She smiled “As I have already mentioned, I work for a publishing firm. It pays well, but takes up most of my time. Therefore, I too never go out, but tonight was the first time in ages. A few of my friends, who I rarely see now, due to my work, told me about club Vertigo. I decided to check it out, and met you. My family don't talk to me much because they wanted me to be a lawyer.” Move in for the kill Chris.... “And I would like it very much if you would consider me a friend.” I shuffled a little closer along the couch, slow, as not to unnerve her or make my intentions known.... “I'd like that too” She didn't move closer though. “I mean, seems we're awful similar you and me” this line has got to work “Two kinda lonesome people trying to meet new people. We both know how hard it can be, and we both have needs.....” Was that too forward? She took a big slurp of her coffee... “I agree with what you're saying, but I think things may be moving too fast..” NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONOT THAT FUCKING CLICHÉ... “I just don't know how comfortable I'd feel. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression...” “Not at all Lucy. I didn't mean that to come out the way it did....” Nice recovery... “It's just I find you very attractive, and I thought maybe with me being invited back to your place that you thought the same as well...” That's the way. Turn it around, make HER feel guilty... “Oh I do, Chris, I really do. But I just find this kind of situation hard to deal with.” I had a gulp of my coffee, which was now luke warm, then shuffled a little closer. “Me too. That's why it came out wrong earlier. I wasn't really suggesting, y'know, sex. Just being with someone, regularly. I didn't want to confuse the issue. Sex is the furthest thing from my mind. I just meant that....” THINKTHINKTHINK... “It's nice to hold someone now and again” WHAT? Desperation had clearly set in, as I struggled to keep the possibility of a shag alive, as I had resorted to the “Just holding” school of seduction. Women had cottoned on to that idea long ago... “You silly....Why didn't you just say. Of course we can cuddle. I thought you meant THOSE kind of needs. Why, Everyone needs a hug now and then...” There is a god... I move right next to her, and we embrace. I can smell her, and she smells great. I tentatively stroke her hair, and wait. “Tell me some more about yourself Lucy” I say, in Low tones, trying to sound my sexiest. “There really isn't that much to tell....” I shut myself off for the long speech that is about to follow, concentrating only on my stroking. *** “So that's pretty much me. I get the impression you don't like talking about yourself much...” Her words vibrated against my chest. “Not really, Luce...” She got up quick fast. “What did you call me? “Luce” “Well don't O.K.” What the fuck was her problem now? “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound familiar” “What would you know, anyway?” She got up and walked off into the kitchen. I was too angry to bother following her. I mean, I'm sat here, in a stranger's apartment, at (Quick check of the clock) three in the morning, about to get laid, but suddenly the person I'm about to screw gets offended at a nickname. What the fuck is that about. I would have left, were it not for the sounds of crying coming from the kitchen. There was still hope that I could get this chick into bed. They love a comforter. In I go.... “Is, er, everything alright?” Start pensively. “I'm surprised you haven't left” She burbled this sentence nasally “Not when you're like this” That is true enough... “You must think I'm such an idiot” “Not at all. I think you're a beautiful person, whom I've offended or upset. I would like to know how I have done this, and how I can make up for this. There is nothing idiotic about being upset” Softly softly. “You are such a nice guy” She moved over and put her arms around me, and started to cry a bit more. I hope she wasn't wiping herself on my shirt... “There there, that's O.K. Tell me all about it” I moved my hand on her back, as if I was winding a baby. Round in circles. My other hand hovered on her waist. “It's just my ex-boyfriend called me that. It doesn't carry a lot of good memories. He was a nasty piece of work. I just over- reacted...” “What did he do?” “I'd rather not talk about it” “Of course.” But damn, I was curious “His name was Shaun. I just.....” She started crying a bit harder. I made soothing noises, until she calmed down. I was getting a bit upset myself. She was never going to put out in this mood. After a while, which seemed longer than it was, she had collected herself. We were still embraced. “Can I get you another coffee?” “I didn't finish the last one” “Would you like one anyway?” “No. I have to get back home, and now that you're O.K. I can run along” “There's no hurry” So there was hope after all. I had nearly given up... “Well it is awful late...” “It is the weekend. And I would like the company. You can stay here tonight, if you want...” I lowered my voice, and squeezed her a bit tighter. “I'd like that very much...” I kissed her gently on the neck. She did not object. The situation got better. “I'll just go get ready for bed” She said, breaking the embrace... So here we are. Finally gonna pull someone from that club. Finally. “Will I be on the couch?” I called, purely to be one hundred percent certain. “No, silly. I have a double bed” Excellent... “I'll just have a shower. Make yourself at home Chris.” “Fine” Take all the time you want... I fantasise about her wearing a see-through nightgown, asking, begging me to take her. I see her in stockings and suspenders with high heels, a nurse's uniform, a saucy French maid's outfit. Plain Naked. Anyway will do me. I picture her drenched in sweat and.... THE MOTHERFUCKING PHONE RINGS! “I'll get it,” I shout. There is no reply, and I presume she can't hear me because of the water running. “Hello” Silence. “Hello” “Who is that?” A mans voice “That is hardly any of your concern” “Where is Lucy?” “In the shower” How do you like that one? “Can you tell her Shaun called?” “Certainly” He'd already hung-up before my reply. Quite pleased he was an ex-boyfriend, though. Always good to be someone that people are jealous of. She returned from the shower, in a plain pink nightdress. “You look great” “Why thankyou” She says this with a smile on her face. It looks a bit like a smirk, but who cares? “So what now?” As if I didn't know.... She took my hand and led me through into her bedroom. The wallpaper was peach, and the room smelt of lavender. A conflict between smell and sight, but this was just a case of aesthetics, and to be frank, I couldn't care less about these trivialities. I just happen to notice them. And now she sits on the edge of the bed, legs dangling over the side... “Would you like to join me?” “You know the answer to that” And I sit next to her. I am purposely not mentioning Shaun. The reminder of him earlier was a bit of a mood killer. I'll mention it, just as I'm leaving. Probably after I've given her a false phone number... “Kiss me” Like she needs to ask. So I do. The moment quickens, and we lie back on the bed, exchanging kisses, without tongue at the moment, and stroke each other's sides. I am overcome, and I hold her closer, probing her mouth with my tongue, moving my hand down her thigh, and then up her thigh - this time inside her nightdress. I use my hand like an insect uses antennae and feel my way to where my hand belongs, and not just my hand. Tonight was a good night. I kiss her faster, and slowly ease my fingers.... “Stop” She pushes me away “No, stop...” She gets up from the bed and stands with her back to me. “What's the matter” YES. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP NOW? GIVE ME A FUCKIN' HARD-ON.... “It's just...I thought I could do it. I just can't be happy any more.” “Of course you can. You were doing great” I stand behind her, and place what she will conceive as a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I can't have sex. I want to. It has been so long, but I just can't” “Why not?” YES. WHY FUCKING NOT? WHY WASTE MY TIME? “You remember Shaun?” HIM AGAIN... “Yes. The ex.” “He did things to me.” She turns to face me “Terrible things, that mean I just can't bring myself to...” “It's O.K.” It's over. Back to Vertigo for me next week... “He used to put things in me, and beat me, and I had no-one to talk to. The police wouldn't have helped, and he has such a temper...I had to see a doctor to repair the damage. The Gynecologist said that after a few months there was no physical reason why I couldn't have sex. That it would heal. But what about my mind? What about what he did to my mind?” I could see she was going to cry again, so I hugged her. God knows I couldn't put up with this anymore. The crying was preferable to the sob story... “I wish you'd told me all this earlier. I would never have allowed you to put yourself through this” OR ME. “I'm sorry. I just didn't think any man could understand” “That's O.K.” “It's so good having someone to let this out to. In time...” “Shhhh. It's alright.” “It's just the thought of anything ever being inside me again...” “It's alright.” “I wanted to be strong. I wanted to stop him, but he was so different in the beginning, and I thought he'd only do it the once. Just a drunk thing. Pretty soon he'd do it most nights, drink some bottles of beer and then he'd use them on me...I wanted to be strong...” She started crying. Great. “You should have told me what a shit this guy was. He called earlier.” I think the mood is killed dead enough to bring that one out... “He called here?” “Yeah. While you were in the shower.” She didn't look too pleased. “Oh God...” She quickly went through to the lounge again. “What's the matter” “I'm just making sure the door is locked” “What's this guy gonna do. I'll tell him where to go.” “You don't know what he's like” “The information I have to go on so far...” “No, you don't want to confront him. He's violent” “It'll be O.K.” “Why do you think I have bars on my windows? Why do you think I live my life like this? He is trouble. And now he knows that I have a man here. He's stalked me everywhere I've been, and now he's got my number, so therefore my address. He said if I ever had another man he'd kill him and me...” What a good night I'm having. “I'm sure he's not serious. He's just another sicko.” She stood back from the door, and stood by me. It was about this time I heard the thumping on the door. “Fuck this. I'm calling the police” But the phone was dead. The phone was dead. “Shaun NO!” Then the thumping got louder. The locks were starting to give way. ©Richard Lewis 2003 Tweet
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