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Alluria: Enter the Land of Lost (standard:adventure, 5585 words)
Author: Mark BaileyAdded: May 11 2003Views/Reads: 3691/2478Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A young boy seeks to find the keeper of the voice in his dreams. A voice so beautiful he is forced to believe she is true, and she is who she says she is...The Beautiful Dreamer. The question is, what devastating truths will be revealed once she is foun

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

mind wandered to thoughts of Alluria.  It was not just a dream, she too 
had heard of the Beautiful Dreamer, and he could feel the fear in Mrs. 
Delvings voice as she spoke that name.  As his mind dreamed of 
adventure Alex barely noticed that Davey had slyly slipped a note onto 
his desk.  It read:  I have heard of the Beautiful Dreamer.  Alex 
looked at his friend from the corner of his eye but Davey was already 
focusing intently on his English lesson. 

The rest of the day seemed to crawl past at a snails pace for Alex.  He
had to be told three times by his Math teacher Mr. Norris to stop 
looking at the clock which almost earned him another detention.  When 
the bell finally rang signaling the end of the school day (for most 
students) Alex packed his books together in record time and sped out 
into the crowded hallway to meet Davey by his locker.  As he approached 
Daveys locker he noticed that Davey was nervous, so nervous in fact 
that he couldn't remember the combination to his lock. “Who is she?”  
Alex asked.  Davey said nothing; he only continued to try to open his 
locker that was undoubtedly locked.  Alex placed one hand on Daveys 
shoulder and his friend jumped in surprise almost spilling his books 
upon the floor. “This is crazy, utterly crazy!”  Davey exclaimed 
shakily. “But, you know who she is?” “Well...” “Davey, if you know, you 
gotta tell me!” “Ok, ok.”  Davey quit fiddling with his lock and turned 
to Alex.  “She's supposedly a Goddess.  Well, at least that's what my 
mother would tell me when I was younger.  It was just a story, a 
nursery rhyme, the last that she told me before she...disappeared.”  
Davey looked away. “I'm sorry, I didn't know.” “I know, because if you 
did, you would have never brought this up to me.  Well, anyway, the 
story goes like this:  If you walk...” “...The Forbidden Path.”  Alex 
added. “Uh, yeah.  Have you heard it?” “No, it is from my dream.  Keep 
going.” “If you walk the Forbidden Path, it's hidden if you don't 
believe Alluria is what you'll find, And this world you'll surely 
leave. If you journey you shall find me Hidden by a witches scheme, The 
truth of why they wish to bind me In this everlasting dream. That's it. 
 That's the nursery rhyme called ‘The Beautiful Dreamer.'” “Who wrote 
it?”  Alex asked. “That's the thing, it's taboo to even talk about it.” 
He whispered. “Taboo?” “Forbidden.  It seems that a lot of people have 
tried to find this place Alluria, and they never came back.  Anyway, we 
have to get to detention before Mrs. Delving skins us alive.”  Davey 
turned in the direction of Mrs. Delvings classroom and began walking 
against the flow of students trying to leave the school.  Alex rushed 
to catch up. “But, this all can't be a coincidence, I think it means 
something.” “I-I don't know if I believe in things like this.” “But, 
Davey I know that she is real.  In the dream...I can feel her there.  
You have to believe me!” “I do.”  Davey said almost silently. “Huh?”  
Alex noticed for the first time that Davey had stopped in his tracks; 
his bundle of books held snuggly to his chest as if for protection.  
Alex stood only a few feet behind him. “A-Alex, have you ever seen this 
door here before.  I mean, we may be new to this school and all, but I 
think that we would have noticed it.”  Alex walked beside his friend 
and looked at the door.  No, he had never seen it before, and Davey was 
correct in assuming that they both would have noticed it.  It was the 
tallest door that he had ever seen in his life and blacker then the 
darkness in his dreams.  The door had no knob, but this was what drew 
Alex's attention.  Written in the middle of the door in faded white 
lettering was one word, “Forbidden”.  Tentatively Alex reached one hand 
out to touch the surface of the door. “Mr. Randolph and Mr. Arnold, you 
have exactly thirty seconds to be in my classroom or your detentions 
will be extended to every night this week!”  Alex jumped at the sound 
of Mrs. Delvings voice before quickly pulling his hand back from 
touching the door.  He turned to his left and saw Mrs. Delving standing 
down the hallway; arms folded across her chest just outside of her 
classroom. “Y-yes mam.” Alex glanced once more towards the “Forbidden” 
door, but there was nothing there.  It had vanished.  He looked at 
Davey who stood squeezing his books even tighter to his chest, his 
mouth held open wide in amazement. “This is crazy, utterly crazy...” 
Davey said. “Twenty seconds!”  Mrs. Delving thundered.  They both 
glanced back one more time at the spot where the door had been before 
racing off to Mrs. Delvings classroom.  Though Alex knew that he must 
spend the next couple of hours writing upon Mrs. Delvings chalkboard, 
he didn't care.  He had found the pathway to Alluria, and he was sure 
that sooner or later he would find the Beautiful Dreamer. 

“My hand is starting to cramp!”  Davey said while massaging his right
hand with his left.  “We must have already written this a million 
times, an d the sun hasn't even begun to go down yet!” “Yeah, I've been 
wondering about that myself.  Where is Mrs. Delving anyway?  I'm sure 
that we have been here for more then a couple of hours, I wouldn't be 
surprised if we've been here for at least a day!”   Alex looked out of 
the window as he had done so many times before, the sun hadn't even 
moved. “I don't know about you, but I need some fresh air!”  He turned 
the knob on the window and attempted to push it open but it didn't 
budge.  “Humph, it must be stuck!”  He moved to the next window, the 
next, and then finally the last one. “Alex, they're all jammed!” he 
said. “Don't worry about it Davey, I'll just open the door.”  Alex 
dropped his chalk on the ledge of the chalkboard and walked to the 
door.  He turned the knob and froze, it also was locked. “Davey, she 
locked us in.”  Daveys eyes grew to the size of dinner plates before he 
rushed towards the door at a half jog. “That's nonsense, the knob must 
be stuck.”  He gripped the knob and turned it.  He turned it again. He 
then lowered his shoulder in desperation and began ramming it into the 
solid oak door.  After five or more rams he slouched against the door 
rubbing his shoulder.  His glasses had once again slid down his nose 
and he fingered them back into place. “What are we going to do, Alex?”  
Alex walked back to his desk and sat down.  On his desk was his folder 
that he kept all of his papers from school in.  He always kept his 
papers together with a paperclip. “Davey, do you remember what kind of 
lock was on the outside of the door?  Was it the kind you turn, or the 
kind that you push in?”  Davey searched his mind for a moment before 
answering.  “I think it was the kind that you push in, but I'm not 
sure.” Alex pulled the paperclip loose from his papers and bent it as 
straight as he could.  He walked back to the door with the paperclip in 
hand. “Well, it's worth a try.” “Alex, I don't know about this.  We're 
breaking out of detention, we're definitely going to get suspended!”  
Alex stuck the paperclip into the hole in the knob and began surgically 
prodding around for the button that would release the lock. “Alex, if 
Mrs. Delving were to find out...” “She won't.” “How do you know, she 
knows everything!”  There was a soft click as Alex popped the lock and 
unlocked the door. “I know because we won't be anywhere to be found.”  
Alex twisted the knob and opened the door.  Davey stood back and 
crossed his arms across his chest. “What are you waiting for?”  Alex 
asked. “I've decided that I'm not going, this whole thing is 
ridiculous!”  Davey said firmly. “You're braver then me,” Alex said 
while exiting the room, “I personally wouldn't want to be here when 
Mrs. Delving got back.” Davey watched as Alex walked out of the small 
classroom then looked around for a moment, the place sure did feel 
creepier when he was in here by himself.  Chalk still held in his hand 
Davey rushed out of the door after Alex. “Wait for me!”  He screamed 
almost frantically. “I thought you were waiting for Mrs. Delving.” “I 
think that I had a change of heart.  I've decided that I wanted to go 
with you after all.” Shoulder to shoulder they walked down the hall.  
It was quiet.  They had never before been in the school when it felt 
so...dead.  It was as if every living creature had just disappeared or 
instead grown disturbingly quiet.  Even the lights in the hall did not 
seem to produce enough illumination; it was as if an unseen shadow had 
settled like a cloud overhead.  They both scanned the hallway for the 
“Forbidden” door, and it was Alex who first spotted it.  Quietly, he 
lifted a finger and pointed at the door so that Davey could also see 
it.  They stopped just in front of it.  Once more Alex put one hand out 
and reached towards the door, when his fingers were only inches from 
the surface Davey reached out and grabbed his wrist. “Alex, I don't 
know about this, there must be a reason why the door is forbidden.”  
Alex pulled his hand back from the door.  Davey was right.  But, in his 
dream... ...You must come to Alluria... I don't know the way!  Tell me 
the way! You must walk “The Forbidden Path”... ...Her voice had been so 
soothing.  She couldn't have lied to him, she would have called out to 
him just to lie!  This had to be the way.  This was the only way he 
knew. “Davey, we have to at least try.”  Reluctantly Davey let go of 
his wrist.  Alex reached out and touched the door; the surface was 
smooth, not very much unlike that of an unused chalkboard.  It was the 
warmest door that he had ever felt.  The warmth swept through his body 
like a comforting wave.  Almost immediately visions of what he thought 
Alluria would be like flashed through his head.  Beautiful music 
emanating from everywhere; played by the invisible hands of a magical 
orchestra.  The sun would be shining brightly, but not nearly as 
brilliantly as the smiles of its inhabitants.  Alluria, a place of 
happiness and dreams that come true.  And whether she is near or far, 
at this hill or over the next valley, the Beautiful Dreamer would be 
waiting.  The warmth caressed his fingertips, worked its way to his 
shoulders before riding his spine to the base of his neck; finally it 
stopped at his mouth and lingered there.  He grinned like he had never 
grinned before, excitement building up inside of him like the pressure 
in an active volcano.  With all of his might he thrust his hand forward 
trying to swing the door open but it remained forbidden to him, for it 
did not move.  He felt the happiness drain from his face, the smile 
fading like an old memory as his hope began to fall. “Alex, it didn't 
work...did it?”  Davey asked sympathetically. “It won't least 
not for me...” He sat against the door and buried his face into his 
arms.  What had gone wrong?  How had this happened?  He was so sure 
that it was more then just a dream.  Davey grabbed his shoulder and 
shook him.  Alex looked up bleary eyed. “Davey, what's wro-“ “Shh!”  
Davey said placing one finger to his lips.  “Listen!” Alex leaned 
forward slightly.  He couldn't hear a thing. “Davey, I can't hear 
anything!” “Shh, listen!”  He said insistently.  And then Alex heard 
it. Clik...Clok...Clik...Clok.  It was the sound of doom approaching.  
The sound of Mrs. Delvings high heels as she walked down the empty 
hall.  Empty except for Alex and Davey. “Alex we gotta get back to the 
classroom!”  Alex and Davey both jumped to their feet, all thoughts of 
Alluria were flushed from their minds.  As they began to run towards 
the classroom, Alex stopped.  Davey turned and looked at him with a 
frightened look in his eyes. “Alex, what are you doing?” ...You must 
come to Alluria...The Forbidden Path...If you journey... “Davey, I...” shall find me... “...I can't just run away...I can't just turn 
my back on her.  I think she needs us.” “Who?” “The Beautiful Dreamer.” 
 He locked eyes with Davey, and Davey knew that Alex could not be 
convinced to leave the door again. “Ok, Alex I'm with you.  But, for 
your sake and mine I hope that you find a way through the door.” 
Clik...Clok...Clik...Clok.  She was getting closer. Alex ran back to 
the door. “Davey, give me a hand!”  Davey ran next to Alex and placed 
one hand on the door. “Push!”  Alex said.  Grunting, they both pushed 
against the door with all of their might.  It refused to move. “Rest 
for a second!”  Alex said panting.  Davey dropped something from his 
hand and then placed both palms against the door. “Davey what was 
that?” “Oh, it's just a piece of chalk.”  Davey said while wiping the 
sweat from his brow. Chalk... CLIK...CLOK...CLIK...CLOK! “Davey, hand 
it to me!”  Alex ordered.  Without question Davey bent over retrieved 
the chalk and handed it to Alex.  Alex used the chalk to draw two 
circles, one inside of the other. “Alex don't tell me that is supposed 
to be a...” “...doorknob...” Alex stared at his drawing.  Nothing was 
happening. “Alex, this is crazy!  She's about to come around the corner 
and...we gotta go back!”  Davey snatched the chalk from Alexs hand and 
turned to sprint to the classroom.  Alex grabbed a handful of his 
shirt. “Davey, wait!  We have to believe!”  And then before their very 
eyes Alex's picture flashed brightly, and to their astonishment, in its 
place was a golden doorknob.  They both stared at it. 
CLIK...CLOK...CLIK...CLOK!  She was only a few steps away from turning 
the corner, and Alex was almost sure that once she saw the door, it 
would disappear.  Alex grabbed the knob and turned it, and without 
hesitation he and Davey rushed inside. 

As Alex leaped through the door, he looked behind him and for a split
second he saw the hallway of his middle school. “Farewell!” he cried 
out.  “I will be back!”  But, Alex truly did not know that for certain, 
and he would always keep that glimpse of his school in the fondest of 
his memories. Alex had incredible dreams in his lifetime, but none 
could compare to this experience.  He was flying!  When he and Davey 
had rushed through the door, he had not known what to expect, but as he 
crossed into this new place of adventures, he had immediately took 
flight.  The first thing that he noticed was the darkness, and then 
stars, swirling past as he and Davey flew at the speed of light.  The 
only thing that was not a blur of brilliant colors was Davey who flew 
right beside him with both hands over his glasses.  Alex reached over 
to Davey and tugged one of his hands away so that Davey could also see 
the beautiful scene before them.  Daveys eyes grew large and his lips 
formed an excited grin. “Alex, we're flying...WE'RE FLYING!”  He yelled 
out before bursting into fits of laughter. They flew for what seemed 
like only seconds, but was truly many hours.  The whole time they 
laughed and tried different flips and rolls as they barreled through 
the air.  Then there was the unpleasant sting of sadness as they 
started to slow and the stars that had at one time whirled past them 
hung suspended in mid-air like fireflies trapped inside the web of a 
spider.  Alex stared at them, he had never noticed how beautiful that 
the heavens truly were. “Alex, look!” There was a planet before them.  
It was only the size of a quarter, but it grew increasingly larger as 
they approached it. “Alex, do you think that could be...” “Alluria...” 
he whispered more to himself then to Davey. As they got closer, Alex 
could make out the shape of continents (and the deep blue colors that 
could be attributed to oceans and seas) through the milky white cloud 
cover.  After only a few short moments they were bathing in the fluffy 
clouds as they passed through the atmosphere during their descent to 
land.  Davey and Alex marveled at the beautiful green fields that lay 
below them and wondered which part of this splendid place they would 
land upon.  But as they got lower they noticed that they were heading 
towards the darkest spot of the planet.  It appeared as if this patch 
of ground that had been overcome by the same shadow that had seemed to 
dim the lights in the hallway at school.  The trees all seemed old and 
withered, their bare branches sagging as if bearing an invisible load.  
They swayed slowly from side to side as they danced to some sad unheard 
melody.  A thick layer of fog held away most of the sunlight, but where 
the sun did shine through Alex could see either dying brown vegetation 
or murky swamps.  Alex and Davey were so surprised by this sight that 
they barely noticed as their feet landed on the soft soil.  It was 
quiet, other then the sound of the wind as it weaved through the 
dancing trees. “Alex, why did we stop here?”  Davey asked.  “Of all 
places why here?” “I don't know.”  He said eyeing his surroundings.  
There was a deep sadness here, nothing like how he had felt when he had 
spoken with the Beautiful Dreamer.  He then saw that Davey was kneeling 
beside a tall wooden sign, which just like everything else in this 
place seemed old and dying.  Alex walked over towards the sign and 
noticed that there was a message written upon it in what looked like 
black crayon.  The handwriting was messy and faded, but still readable. 
It read: 

‘Aplenty traveler came and crossed, From knowledge to the Land of Lost,
A place of fog and withered trees, And many broken destinies. 
Companions are the things we seek, On fading paths in times so bleak, 
And plentiful are other souls, Who plod around with unknown goals.' 

At the bottom it was signed ‘The Wayward Travelers'.  On the top of the
sign was a small arrow pointing to a path just ten feet away from where 
they were standing. “Where do you think it leads?”  Davey asked. “I 
think it leads to ‘The Wayward Travelers'.  Maybe they can tell us how 
to get out of this place.” “Alex, maybe we should go back, that path 
looks like it goes straight into the darkest part.”  Alex looked up the 
small dirt path and noticed that it got considerably darker as it 
progressed.  A huge lump formed in his throat.  There was no going 
back, not now.  As if in a daze, he started walking towards the path.  
Davey thought for a moment about arguing before he finally followed 
closely behind Alex.  The path was one of many twists and bends finally 
coming to a stop at the foot of a large semi-circular area.  In the 
middle were several small houses made from what look like the same 
withered trees that had lined each side of the path.  Fifty or more 
people walked aimlessly about, all of them dirty, their clothes merely 
rags hanging loosely from their bodies.  Alex noticed how they all 
carried with them a bottle of reddish liquid that held a golden label 
on the outside.  As they slowly shuffled their feet they drank deeply 
from their bottles, their faces all a mirror image of the sadness that 
was felt all around them.  Alex had never seen a place so full of life 
that remained so quiet.  Their ages ranged from old men and women, to 
children slightly younger then Alex and Davey.  All of them seemed 
strangely saddened, their eyes remaining as vacant as the stare of a 
lifeless dummy.  Nobody spoke, nobody nodded their head in greeting as 
they passed one another, and absolutely nobody smiled.  If the people 
of this place were not actively indulging in their bottles they were 
silently staring at their feet as if all things in life had already 
been seen.  Alex could tell that this was truly a people without hope 
and without goals. “Where are we?”  Davey asked, and Alex knew that 
Davey disliked the place even more then he did. “This is the Land of 
Lost.”  A voice said from behind them.  Startled, both he and Davey 
spun around and beheld the most magnificent creature that either of 
them had ever seen.  It seemed as if it were the only thing which held 
life in this land.  Its color was silver which sparkled marvelously 
even in the dim light of the Land of Lost.  Its body was sleek and 
muscular resembling that of a horse, but Alex had never before seen a 
horse such as this one in his life.  Its height was amazing, for it 
stood taller on four legs then the tallest basketball player that Alex 
had ever seen.  Around its neck hung many medallions and upon its head 
were a set of long sharp antlers, which reflected everything on their 
surface.  The creature had the bluest eyes that he had ever seen, eyes 
that were gentle yet commanding, eyes that were now staring directly at 
him. Davey began to backup, but Alex stood his ground and stared up at 
the giant.  The creature was the first to break the silence. “Are you 
Collectors?” it asked while raising one questioning eyebrow.  Its voice 
had boomed like thunder but was in a way as soothing as the voice of 
the Beautiful Dreamer.  Davey jumped. “No...uh, we're travelers.”  Alex 
answered thickly.  The horse-like creature continued to stare down at 
him with a look of distrust.  The creature then shot a sideways glance 
at Davey and in two swift steps he was towering before him.  Daveys 
bulging eyes proved that he was too scared to blink. “Do you fear me 
little one?”  It asked.  Davey gulped loudly. “No, not at all.” He 
lied.  The creature bent down slowly, its huge muzzle coming only 
inches from Daveys face. “Don't eat me!”  Davey cried throwing both 
hands instinctively over his head.  The creature grunted in what seemed 
like extreme disgust before sniffing the air around Davey, he then 
turned to Alex and did the same.  Both embarrassed and relieved Davey 
removed his hands and thrust them deep into his pockets. “I can smell 
the determination upon you, it will make a fine shield from the sadness 
that lurks here.” “I am Alex and this is Davey,” he said pointing to 
his friend, “You asked if we were Collectors, what are they?” The 
creature looked away and for an instant the same sadness that filled 
the lives of the people around them clouded the beautiful blue eyes of 
the beast. “Do not concern yourself with such matters.”  It said 
silently.  Its eyes then filled with pride before he stuck his chest 
out and loudly introduced himself. “I am Galiant, last of the free race 
of Impalas!” “Y-you're the last of your kind?”  Davey said 
sympathetically.  “You must get lonely.” “Loneliness is death in such a 
place as this.  They may be gone...but, I have them all in my memories. 
 I feel no loneliness!” “O-okay.”  Davey quickly said.  Alex stepped 
forward and swept one arm out towards the crowd of people. “Who are 
these people and what are they all so sad about?” Galiant looked sadly 
at the people, as his gaze wandered, his eyes lingered momentarily on 
every face. “They are the Wayward Travelers.  I remember each of them 
when they first arrived, all at different times, all so full of life.” 
“What happened to them?”  Davey asked. “They drank upon Depression.  It 
is the drink that they all indulge themselves in.  Do you see the label 
upon each bottle?” Alex approached an old man who had wandered near 
him.  His face was gentling yet somehow empty.  Alex tried to remove 
the bottle from the mans hand in order to examine the label.  The old 
man hissed at him before turning and running as fast as his legs would 
carry him.  Alex was shocked; he turned to Galiant. “What did I do?” he 
asked. “You did nothing.  The label is a golden shield with a dark 
crown in the center of it.  It is the mark of the Dark Empress.” “You 
shall find out more on your journey young traveler.  But, I know that 
she is behind the brewing of Depression, the thing that makes these 
people wayward.” “Why don't they just not drink the stuff in the first 
place?”  Alex asked.  Galiant shook his head. “If it were so simple 
then that would be the case.  But, we all must drink from Depression; 
it has many forms that come not only from a bottle.  It is the most 
powerful of the Dark Empresses magic's.  Now, I must ask for what 
reason have you come here?” “We have come in search of the Beautiful 
Dreamer.”  Alex announced. All of the Wayward Travelers of the Land of 
Lost ceased their shifting and shuffling and for that moment not a 
bottle touched any of their lips.  They all stared at Alex and Davey.  
For the first time in ages, they were aware.  A child of no more then 
nine years of age approached them, an unopened bottle of Depression 
held in each hand.  The child gave one bottle to Davey and the other to 
Alex. “Stay with us.”  The small child whispered before retreating back 
to where he had been idly standing.  After being given the bottles Alex 
and Davey noticed that the Wayward Travelers commenced to walk 
aimlessly about still under the influence of Depression.  Alex looked 
at the bottle; he noticed the golden shield and also the black crown 
that floated in the middle of it.  The reddish liquid inside seemed to 
call out to him, and Alex realized for the first time how long it had 
been since he had something to drink.  He twisted off the cap. “I can 
see the same thirst that fills many inside of your own eyes, Alex.  
But, I also see strong determination unmatched by few.” Alex heard 
Galiant speak, but his voice almost seemed like it had come from miles 
away.  He looked at Davey.  Davey had already begun gulping down large 
mouthfuls of Depression so quickly that a thin stream of the liquid 
spilled from the corner of his mouth.  Alex looked back at Galiant. 
“This is the most powerful of the Dark Empresses magic's, Alex.  If you 
cannot defeat Depression, then you will never make it to the Beautiful 
Dreamer.”  Alex looked back into the bottle, Daveys gulping sound like 
a heartbeat in his ears. “But, Galiant I wish not to drink from this 
bottle!”  Alex said weakly, for the magic of the Dark Empress had 
already begun to grip him. “You must, young Alex, she would have it no 
other way.  You must be tested to make it to Alluria.  You must...” 
Alex did not hear the last few words that Galiant had spoken because as 
the thirst overwhelmed him Galiants voice had swiftly faded.  Before he 
realized what he was doing, the bottle was pressed to his lips and he 
was greedily drinking the reddish liquid.  His head began to swim, and 
he continued to swallow mouthful after mouthful.  The liquid was sweet 
yet bitter at the same time, and his stomach welcomed it, embraced it. 
“Drink...young travelers...drink...” Alex knew not whose voice had 
spoken to him through the beginnings of Depressions haze but he drank.  
He drank until there was not a drop spared. 


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