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Western Australia 2002 (standard:non fiction, 4366 words) | |||
Author: Jasen | Added: Apr 28 2002 | Views/Reads: 3820/2606 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
This the follow up to Teacher - my Friend. | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story front few seats sat Desmond, Louis – their tour guide, Miss Kok, Jerome, Zheng, Stacy, Lucas, Sam, Jasmine and others. At the rear of the coach sat Miss Sharon, Mr Kelvin, Lance, Raymond, April, Jovin, Jonathan and others. ‘Jerome, how do you feel about this trip?’ asked Zheng. ‘Well, okay, I like this trip so far.’ Replied Jerome. After a minute of silence... ‘So how about you, Zheng?’ ‘Oh me, I’ll say, this trip is so far still enjoyable with the flight from Singapore. Anyway, this is my first time travelling alone without my parents and also my first time on board an airplane.’ ‘Jerome, did you have a good sleep last night?’ ‘Yes I did have some peace after some special moments. It kept me awake for quite a while. Because last night, Lucas did not actually had a good time sleeping well. Why not you ask him personally what had actually happened?’ ‘Okay, I’ll ask him later.’ ‘How about you then, Zheng?’ ‘For me, it’s still fine there. As there isn’t any nonsense happening.’ So Zheng went over to talk to Lucas, while he switched places with Stacy on the coach. ‘Lucas, how do you do today?’ ‘Fine.’ ‘You do not look fine in my sight of your statement. Can you tell me what actually happened last night?’ ‘Okay, actually I really felt unbearably homesick and felt like calling home. And during that moment, I felt like having a mental breakdown. It got even worse when Jerome and Stacy were happily chatting and not even one had noticed how I was feeling. But back at home, I had a quarrel with Faizal. But, I just feel that our friendship bond is still strong. What I did was, I went out of the room and really wanted to look for Ms Koh. But half way to her room, something pulled me back from proceeding. So in the end I went back to the room and split out a four letter word before the two guys really notices my existence.’ ‘Thanks for that touching story. Anyway, if you have any problem, do let me know. Maybe as a friend I may be able to render some assistance to you.’ While the chatting goes on, the students and teachers were having a great time interacting. As that is so, they were about to reach Fremantle. Chapter 3: Fremantle After they arrived in Fremantle, the group went to the Fremantle Children’s Literature Centre. There they attended a 2-hour Literature workshop. It was an enjoyable one as it gives them an idea of what it is like to be a writer and an illustrator. That’s where Zheng had made a new-found love – Reading and writing. The centre was previously a prison hospital. But until 1991, when the prison decided to give it a new resident, about a hundred over organisations step foot on their visit to the Prison, and submitted their proposal. The Prison officers then look through and handpick the idea of a Children’s Literature Centre as its first newcomer after the Prison is closed to crimes. Next, they went for lunch of ‘Fish and Chips’ meal at a restaurant near the seaside. There were sea gulls flying around. As Zheng sat with Zack, Sam and a few others, another conversation began. They talked about school life and about the Perth Trip - the places that they have visited. ‘How do you guys find school life?’ Zheng questioned the others. ‘So far it is still fine and adaptable, as compared to when we started Secondary one’ replied Zack. ‘That’s for sure. I felt a bit the same as you do when I was in Secondary One. But there were some differences.’ As the talk went on, they started to eat enjoy the scenery. After the delicious meal, the group proceed on to the peak of a small hill to view the seascape. It is lovely scenery as Zheng describes the scenery as the sea blends into the sky. Near them is a cannon that can lit off when activated. But it was unfortunate, the group had to go as there will be a scheduled guided tour inside the Fremantle Prison. Before they set off, they were just in luck to see a passing train. After arriving at the Fremantle Prison, the group proceed on to room where they view a short introduction of the prison’s history. Next, they proceed on to the inmate waiting room where the inmates will be question and done with a full body search. Follow-on, they will be asked to take a shower and changed into the prisoners’ clothes and taken a few photo shots each. They were brought into another building; this is much bigger. It is where the inmates were kept. The tour guide explained the reason why netting was erected. It was for the prison officers’ safety; there were several cases where the inmates threw object down aiming at the prison officers. Then they proceed on to the prison cells were the cells were formerly half the size. Until a certain period when the prison finally realise the need for air and space, before they decided to join two small cells into a big one by knocking off a partitioned wall. They visited cells and the gathering area. Also the special areas like the hanging (for death sentence), naughty criminals (for those who beat up others in prison) and also high security cell and others. The prison also has two chapels. One for the Catholics and the other for Christians. The prison was build by convicts. In 1984, a fire broke up in the prison due to the inmates being unhappy about the prison’s facilities. And in 1991, as the prison can no longer hold the inmates, they decided to build another prison, this time it is located at the country side. The inmates were allowed to show their artistic works by painting in the old prison before the move in 1991. After the visit, they took a group shot before proceeding to the Fremantle market to do their souvenir shopping. After an hour, they met back and set off back to Perth for dinner. That night, they celebrated mass birthdays – Lucas, Philip, Jasmine and Ms Sharon’s birthday. After dinner, they had a good time shopping. But, Zheng felt a bit giddy even though he refused to go back to the hotel to stay. They went on a ‘Swatch Hunt’. They were hunting for Swatch watches, so the group guided by Ms Kok with 4 members went on the hunt. After an hour of searching, they finally found the shop and started getting the watches. Zheng bought a Swatch watch; both Lucas and Stacy bought a pair each of different designs. After the ‘Swatch Hunt’, the group went back to where they came from. And after walking for sometime, they sat down and Stacy made a phone call back using Zheng’s hand phone. After calling home, his statement changed. And Lucas when to check on him. ‘Stacy why do you look so unhappy?’ asked Lucas ‘I’m facing some financial difficulties’ replied Stacy ‘I’m sure we will be able to help you. Do not feel so helpless and sad.’ So Lucas went to the group and told then what actually happened. After which, they tried to comfort him and they went to the gather point. Chapter 4: Albany This morning, they had their breakfast at ‘New Esplanade Hotel.’ They were off for a five-hour coach journey to Albany. During the journey, they had some entertainment, they watched some movies. By an hour past noon, they have arrived at in Albany for lunch. They ate at a Beachside Café. Zheng and Jerome ate Fish and Chips, while Lucas and Stacy ate Lasagne. And they were also given a bowl of salad per table. So while Miss Sharon was distributing, Jerome and Zheng requested for more as to try to finish up the bowl quickly. Next to Zheng sat Lance. With the story progressing, a new set of friendship may occur. After Lunch, they move out of the café, the temperature out in the open is cooling, but cold. As the group took a few shots before returning back onto the coach. They were off on their way to the natural wonders. The ‘gap’ and the ‘bridge’. They move through the residential area and Miss Kok had a close look at the flowers, as she loves them. It was a nice look at them. And as the road moves near the seaside, Lucas and Stacy saw some ships and tankers around, even sea gulls. It was an unforgettable experience to look at them. As they were all about to doze off, they reached the natural ‘gap’ and ‘bridge’. There they took shots as usual, but also, they also learnt a bit of physical geography through explanation by Mr Kelvin. He explained how the ‘gap’ and ‘bridge’ is formed and also about how erosion occurs as in a nearby area, there is a bare slope. After that, they visit the Queen Fortress. They were just in time to witness a wedding ceremony. And after which, Jerome, Zheng, Stacy and Lucas explored the area before they and a few others went up the slope to the highest point where they saw the Australian Flag. Jerome, Zheng and Lance took a shot under the flagpole together. They explored the other area around till its time to return to the coach. Again at the entrance area, they saw the bridal car. But it maybe another couple. Their next destination was the war memorial area. When they arrived, Lucas felt a bit unwell, but he still tried to be with the group. Once, they were out at the memorial, the group had a look at the plaque and took a group shot before moving upwards to the park and there the scenery was lovely. Sam, Miss Kok, Stacy, Lucas, Jerome and Zheng took a shot together as a memorial. After a while, they went down the steps and to the coach. From there, they return to the city centre where they had their dinner. After which, they had their stay at ‘ACE Motel’. But that’s not the end of a peaceful day. At night, the three girls- Jasmine, Sarah and Joan. The received a scary call by someone unknown. They were scared till they have to change their room with Jerome’s group. When Zheng visit Jerome, he was shocked to see them all cuddled together. That scared them. As he was checking on how Lucas is feeling, he stayed with them for a while. At least, they managed to get through safe and sound the next morning. They had their breakfast before setting off to their next destination- Pemberton. Chapter 5: Pemberton The ride to Pemberton took about two to three hours. They visit the ‘Tree Top Walk’ WOW! A treetop walk experience. They went in and they were given an introduction to the Karri Forest, how the forest tree top walk is built and others. After all the explanation, the group set of in small groups of 10. They set off and weave through the spans slowly as the walk sags slowly. After completing the walk, they gathered and went hollowness and wonders of the majestic Karri and Tingle trees. And some of them had been through a forest fire is 1931 which is a disaster that almost wipe out the species. Next they returned back to the visitors centre. And so from there, Miss Kok told the students that they may have another round of walk through the ‘Tree top walk’. So, Zheng, Henry, Lance, Gilbert, James, and others went in batches. This time, they took shots on the way through. And they had their choice of walking slowly. After the second round of walking, they proceed back to the coach via the Visitors’ Centre. In coach, Mr Kelvin gave them another Geography talk on the Karri forest history and facts with assistance from Mr Louis– their tour guide. It was an hour journey left to Pemberton. When they finally reached, they went to the nearby supermarket to get their supplies before heading off to a nearby restaurant for lunch. After lunch, they were off to the Sand Dunes. They arrived at the National Park, where the group entered with their instructors. They had a journey of 2km to walk up to the Sand Dunes. The walk is rather turf as not to mention the sand flies. They were about to reach the sand dunes, but under one task, climb up the steep slope. When the group saw it, they were shocked. As for Zheng, he decided to wait and look for another way up. What an in-adventurous person Zheng is. Together with Miss Kok, Gilbert, 3 girls and the instructor, they went up the other path which is much more time consuming and far. Finally, after some struggle, the climbers reach the peak of the sand hill. As for Zheng’s group, they reached a bit late. They had a great time sliding down the sand slope. There were many exciting moments to the extent that they cannot really be put in words. They also had collected some sand specimens. After a few hours of fun, they had to bid good-bye to the sand dunes. The moment down from the top is real cool and fun. From there they continued their way back to the car park at the park. They board the coach and started their journey to yet another place. This time, for dinner at a nearby cottage. They had BBQ dinner. After dinner, they went to the ‘Karri Valley Resort’ where they had their night’s stay. But, they had some problem finding their chalet. For both Zheng’s group and Miss Kok’s group. But after some search, they finally found their way. That night, Zheng’s group was staying with Lance’s group under one chalet. There are three rooms in the chalet. A queen-size bedroom- that was occupied by Gilbert. A room with double-deck and a single bed- occupied by Henry, Alex and Sam initially. And the last room with a double deck- occupied by Zheng and Lance. But, when Zheng poured his jeans’ contents out, the sand fell on to Lance’s baggage and bed. Lance was horrified and Zheng was almost being seized by the neck. Lucky he did an immediate clean up. But Lance decided to switch with Sam while Zheng emptied his sand into the balcony area. After that, Zheng decided to sleep in the living room. It’s not due to the worry of bring disturbed by the pile of scattered sand. But it is for the sake of getting some thoughts through. That night wasn’t a pleasant one for Zheng, he has been a little troublemaker as that was what the group says about him. But he wasn’t depressed. He felt that maybe he could use that to improve himself. So he work hard on it. The next morning, he was up early and took a shivering shower. But having been unable to sleep well the previous night he felt energetic after that shower. After the others have woke up, they got their self ready while Zheng woke Lance. And, after that he went out to the balcony to have a look at the morning sun. It was a lovely scene. All by himself, he sat watching the pair of lovely birds till they flew off. Then he went into pack his belonging and got ready for Mr Louis to pick the group up. They set off for breakfast by the bi-centennial tree. Zheng and the rest had toast, BBQ egg, beacon, sausage and cornflakes. It was an enjoyable Monday morning having breakfast by the forest floors. After which there were two batches of about six students who climbed up the bi-centennial tree. Stacy was on of the daring devils. He climbed his way up cautiously try to keep on the struggle for balance and the tempo. They went to the Bunnings Saw Mill where they witness how wood is produced for furnishings. The sawmill was big and spacious. But unfortunately the state government will be closing the sawmill, which means job losses. But from a glance directly from the second level balcony, they could see the wood being processed. After the visit to the Saw Mill, they went to the Trout Hatchery. There the group learned about the insight of Rainbow and Brown Trout breeding programme. After that, they went for river study. That was a really undesirable, with the people having to do the Australia Salute – That is what Lucas describe the action of getting the flies out of their faces and body like. After the River Study, they were off for four hour’s ride to Dunsborough. Chapter 6: Dunsborough They arrived at a sheep-shearing farm at about 2 that afternoon. They had their lunch in the sheltered area. After which, the group visit the sheep shearing area where they were shown how a sheep was being sheared and the steps to take before shearing. During that session, some student had the privilege of feeding the feeding the lambs. It was an enjoyable moment. Following on; the shearer also showed the group the use of the sheepdog. They had an eye opening experience. Finally, each of them received a piece of sheep for a souvenir. They proceed on to the souvenir shop. There, some of them bought souvenirs. On the coach, Zheng talked to Jerome once again, for the ride to their next destination. ‘Jerome, so how do you find the sheep shearing experience?’ ‘ I still find it a bit funny, the way some of them ‘feed’ the lamb really made be giggle some how in my heart.’ ‘Oh, that’s interesting.’ Next, they proceed on to the Mammoths Cave area. They had a majestic view of the cave in its natural form. A real cooling experience. And after the cave visit, they were on their way back to Perth. The trip was a long and continuous one as it stretches from the late afternoon to early dusk. On the coach, Zheng and Jerome has a great time interacting with Lance and Zack. But most of the talking was only between Zheng and Lance. ‘Zheng, how do you find the trip to Perth?’ came the question from Lance. ‘Oh, the trip is okay, I love it. How about you?’ ‘Fine, it is enjoyable.’ ‘Did you make any new friends?’ asked Zheng. ‘Yep I did really made some.’ And the chat goes on till they were exhausted... Chapter 7: Perth Again! They were back in Perth by 8 at night. But after they checked-in, they rush down to meet at the lobby. By then it is about a quarter past eight. They went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. After dinner, the group returned to the hotel. For Zheng, he moved out of his room and into Lance’s room. He stayed with Henry and Lance for that night. That night, Zheng was a counsellor solving some minor twist between Jasmine and Zack – Friendship problem. It worked like a telephone marathon that ran from 10.30pm at night till 12 midnight. While Henry and the rest were doing the assigned task for the trip. It was a boring Tuesday since they have to bear with the scorching sun as they set off for the Prinnacles. They had a very irritating time shooing the sand flies. But overall, it is still enjoyable. After that, they took the same route back and reach Perth at night after having dinner at the outskirts of Perth. On the next morning, they got ready and were setting off to a school visit at the Roleystone Senior High School. This school is 40 hectors big with the building scattered and close to nature. A nice place to be though, after the visit, they visit the Elizabethan Village in Armadale. After that, they visit the fruit orchard before finally returning to Perth City for lunch. After the hefty lunch, they were off again to do their last minute shopping. A little terrible it really is, Zheng, Stacy, Lance, Jerome, Lucas and Miss Kok went shopping together to grab souvenirs and chocolates. That is for their last minute shopping. After the long shopping, they finally gathered and set off back to meet at the same place where they disperse. So after that, they were bought to have dinner before they watch a show ‘spontaneous insanity’ as their finale for the trip to Western Australia. The show was great and wonderful. After that, they proceed to the airport where they repack their stuff and got ready to check in and wait for departure. They did their little shopping at the shopping alley at the airport-waiting lounge. Both Zheng and Jerome bought a copy of Reader’s Digest (Aussie Edition). In addition to that, Zheng go himself a John Grisham novel- The Firm, and an issue of National Geographic. What a bookworm he is. After that, at ten minutes before one, the group boarded the flight and were on their way back to Singapore. Zheng sat next to Miss Kok. Anyway it wasn’t as bad as what others thought it would be, sitting ext to a discipline mistress. At least he felt safe. But Jerome felt sick for that flight home. And Zack with Lance, both forgotten about their breakfast. Author’s final comment In this book, much of the time has been spend on description and not much on friendship. Since I started writing on 17 Nov 2000- Day 2 of my Perth trip. I have been observing my new made friend T.T.Y, and my close friend Jeremy. Both had been very supportive in giving me self-encouragement. And not to forget Stacy and Lucas for their support and Lucas for his friendliness in helping me in my enquiries. I feel excited to complete this story on 3 Dec 2000, and completed my final editing on 31 Jan 2001. A friend in need, is a friend in deed or vice versa, I’m grateful to the spontaneous support by my kind friends for me to complete this short story. Especially Jeremy and T.T.Y. The characters mentioned in this story may or may not be alive, but are not related to real life persons. They are the ideal characters. Also I would like to acknowledge someone special – that person knows who he is. Also, thanks to Lucas and those who have read or edited my first and second short story. This short story couplet shall end here. (Teacher My Friend & Teacher My Friend II) Du Zhengdao 31 January 2001 Tweet
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