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THIS GRANDMA'S HUGS REACH AROUND THE WORLD (standard:non fiction, 1159 words)
Author: MarshaAdded: Mar 15 2002Views/Reads: 3696/2242Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
One disabled grandma sends hugs to sick children around the globe! You can help spread joy to suffering kids too.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

 Only the desire to help.  Whatever your ability, you can use it to 
benefit suffering children and their families.  Everyone's efforts 
count.  One person CAN make a tremendous difference.  Whether it's 
creating graphics for a web site, sending encouraging notes to 
discouraged parents, or dropping a Barney video in the mail to a sick 
child, it all helps.  And it truly makes a difference in the lives of 
suffering children. 

Musicians contribute tapes and CD's of children's music and organize
benefit concerts for the kids.  Publishers and authors donate 
children's books.  Merchants contribute toys.  Quilters and sewers make 
blankets, tote bags, and dolls.  Youth groups send out hundreds of 
handcrafted cards. 

For more information on how you can be a part of the Hugs and Hope Club,
visit their web site at 


HUGS AND HOPE FOUNDATION A ministry designed to share the love of God
with families of critically ill children 

Author, Marsha Jordan, is Founder of The HUGS AND HOPE FOUNDATION for
Sick Children.  She is a disabled grandma who lives in the northwoods 
of Wisconsin with her husband of 26 years and their toy poodle, King 
Louie, who rules the household with an iron paw. Once an active 
volunteer in many scouting, school, community and church activities, 
Jordan was an energetic homeschooling mom who also worked as a 
secretary until her life took a sharp turn. Her busy schedule came to a 
screeching halt when she fell victim to an auto-immune disease which 
struck her blind for several months. She knows how it feels to be sick, 
in pain, frustrated, and afraid. When she encountered this roadblock, 
God steered her into a U-turn, but she continued full speed ahead in a 
new direction. Through her Hugs and Hope Club, Jordan strives to send a 
message not just to suffering families, but to all people that we don't 
have to face life's problems alone. God cares about our pain and 
desires to be intimately involved in our lives. He wants to help us 
through the struggles and have a personal relationship with each of us! 
Jordan likes to remind people that God has a plan for each life. No one 
is insignificant. And God can do great things with you, even if you 
lack great talent. It is her earnest prayer that hurting people will 
come to know the awesome love, peace, and joy available to those who 
seek God and serve Him. Jordan enjoys creating web pages, collecting 
and decorating with antiques, rubber stamping, and having fun with her 
three year old grandson, Cobi, who is the light of her life.  She's 
been published in 29 online newsletters and ezines. 


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