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What Happened To My Little Piggy Bank (standard:humor, 905 words)
Author: GodspenmanAdded: Sep 08 2024Views/Reads: 86/53Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Money isn’t our problem, but the “love of money.” Money is important to my daily life. If I allow money to become an obsession, it takes my mind off what is important. I need to use what little money I have to live a life pleasing unto the Lord. Money

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bank was a blessing. If I had not had that piggy bank that my 
grandmother gave me, I never would have saved any money. I would have 
spent it as soon as I got it. 

Every time I got alone with my grandmother, which wasn't often, she
would whisper, "How's your little piggy bank doing?" and then she would 
hand me two quarters to put into my piggy bank. 

She was the only one who knew about that piggy bank. I guess that's what
grandmothers are for. 

Would it be appropriate for me to buy all of my grandchildren little
piggy banks? Would they use them the way I used mine? 

I thought of a Bible verse that is usually misquoted. “For the love of
money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they 
have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many 
sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10). 

Money isn't our problem, but the “love of money.” Money is important to
my daily life. If I allow money to become an obsession, it takes my 
mind off what is important. I need to use what little money I have to 
live a life pleasing unto the Lord. 

Money can be a blessing or a curse.


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