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Guldan Chronicles - Chapter 2 (standard:Fan Fiction, 6649 words) [2/2] show all parts
Author: C BashaAdded: Mar 06 2004Views/Reads: 2971/2099Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
This is part two of a multi-part story I have undertaken. Our young hero is about to go on another mission. The Star Wars Universe is owned by LucasFilm and the characters are my own.

Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story

"Not we, Trevor, just myself.  I leave in a few minutes on the Crystal
Phoenix.  I have been told by the other instructors and by the night 
librarians at the Archives that you have been working overtime with 
your studies to the detriment of your spare time.  I am granting you a 
two-week reprieve from your training and studies.  I trust your 
judgment, Trevor, and expect that you won't get into too much trouble 
while I am gone?”  Shudo's coloring changed to a slight shade of 

"Master," Trevor exaggerated, "Me?  Get into trouble?" He smiled at his
master, and shook his head no in all honesty.  "Would you like me to 
walk with you to the landing platform?" 

Shudo's head turned slightly in surprise.  "I don't want to take you
away from anything." 

"It would be my pleasure, Master Shudo." 


Trevor watched the Jedi Cruiser Crystal Phoenix depart from the Jedi
Temple.  This landing bay was certainly bigger than the one Senator 
Essada had arrived in almost three weeks ago.  The rusty-red diplomatic 
cruiser was out in the traffic pattern within moments and Trevor 
breathed a large sigh.  He was almost not sure what he should do next.  
‘Almost', he snickered.  As the shuttle reached the edge of Trevor's 
sight, Trevor turned around and headed back to his room.  He quickly 
changed his clothing to something a bit more unobtrusive, casual.  He 
knew exactly where he wanted to go. 


The Outrider was a sports bar type establishment in one of the many
commercial sectors of Coruscant's lower levels.  There was a good sized 
crowd in the place tonight.  Trevor knew that many people might 
consider robbing him blind, and a couple tried.  Trevor moved away just 
in time, and was able to get through the crowded sections with relative 
ease.  The lively noise of the place prompted Trevor to relax and he 
immediately sidled up to the bar, ordering a drink.  The place had 
wall-size vidscreens that showed plenty of ongoing sporting events 
across the galaxy.  Trevor watched two screens in particular; one 
showing a hair-raising pod race on Malastare, while another showed a 
more subdued game of Nuna-ball. 

The rest of the night went uneventful, as Trevor hoped it would. 
Watching the denizens of the establishment drink themselves into 
silliness relaxed Trevor and got him thinking about a task that he 
wanted to do since the incident with Senator Essada.  Trevor went over 
in his mind all the parts and configurations a few dozen times.  A 
ruckus was starting in one corner of the bar, and Trevor watched with 
keen interest, walking himself through an encounter like this, but with 
different outcomes, with different people.  Trevor swallowed the rest 
of his drink.  The alcohol flowed down his throat similar to a laser 
blast, but not so bad as to completely inebriate him.  The Archives 
should have most of what he needed.  ‘Since I have some time, might as 
well make the best of it,' he thought.  ‘Tomorrow is certainly early 
enough to start.'  Trevor paid his bill, and walked out of the bar.  A 
few of the patrons noticed that the tall man with the blindfold had a 
big grin on his face. 


The Archives had a great deal of information on lightsabers and their
construction.  The vaulted hallways and the blue glow of the data pads 
lit up the entire main room.  There were even special sections on the 
histories of lightsabers, how they were used, and even where they were 
constructed.  It would seem that every Jedi in the history of the 
galaxy had their saber construction mapped out, laid out, and stored in 
the Archives.  With the number of Jedi across the galaxy and throughout 
the millennias-long history of the order, it was a wonder that there 
was room for any other information inside the Archives at all. 

Trevor walked up and down the shelves for days, researching each part,
trying to sense if the current part would fit, and where.  He noticed 
that Mace Windu's saber, along with Shudo's saber, were contained 
within the most recent additions to the Archives.  Trevor was 
bewildered by the variety of components and methods used in the 
construction process.  It was certainly frustrating when one piece 
seemed as if it would fit but when he found another, the first did not 
seem like it would work after all.  He would find third part, only to 
find another problem with either the first or second. Trevor wondered 
after the first week if he was ever going to get his saber finished.  
He only catalogued three parts he needed and felt would fit into his 
saber.  It just was not going his way. 


Halfway through the second week, Trevor had most of the parts he needed.
 Surprisingly, most of the parts were found from local Temple sources.  
The machine shop and the hanger bay had most of the simple parts he 
needed.  The rest of the week was spent searching for the more 
difficult parts.  The magnetic stabilizing ring, the power emission 
shroud, and the ring clip were probably the easiest parts to acquire.  
Just about every Jedi knew where to get them.  The hardest parts, 
however, were the power field conductor-shell, the diatium power cell, 
and the energy modulation circuits.  The power cell in particular was 
going to be a bit difficult.  Trevor knew he needed to get the parts, 
but could not find any information in the Jedi Archives.  Trevor smiled 
as he realized that not all the parts would be listed in the archives.  
He immediately went to his computer console and typed up the parts he 
needed.  He found three vendors who would have the remaining things.  
Knowing where they were was the biggest thrill of his life.  He still 
had some work to do before completing his first lightsaber.  He hoped 
to get started after Master Shudo got back.  Trevor stretched and 
yawned.  He had been working for nearly a fortnight on this project and 
his vision was extremely tired.  After dozing off in his chair, Trevor 
realized that he had not had any real sleep in nearly three days.  He 
decided to turn in early, and get started late. 


The communicator twittered loudly, awaking Trevor immediately.  He
jumped from his bed, moving towards the communication console.  A 
message was waiting for him.  Trevor read the message from Shudo with 
anticipation.  However, he was shocked as much as surprised. The 
message read: Trevor, please procure the following items within the 
next 24 hours: magnetic stabilizing ring with ring-tuning flange, power 
emission shroud, polarized power arc tip, fine-control harmonics 
adjuster, activation plate, safety shutoff/activation switch, energy 
modulation circuits, cycling field energizers, 13K-P recharge socket, 
power conduit, bi-polar power housing, paired adjustable power 
actuators, high-yield power lens mount, cylindrical energy gate 
assembly, power field conductor-shell with vortex rings, inert power 
insulator matrix, diatium power cell, quick-release ring-clip, and 
reinforced handgrip.  Pack these items with your standard field gear 
and prepare for departure from the Jedi-Temple at 09:00 tomorrow. 

Trevor shook with excitement.  He had just about 24 hours to gather the
final pieces of his saber!  He had this exact list ready to go.  It was 
amazing.  ‘Master Shudo must be following my progress.  How does he do 
that?' Trevor wondered.  ‘No matter.  I have to get these parts, quick. 
Good thing I already had my list of where to find them.' 


The last supply shop on Trevor's list was deep in the center of one of
Coruscant's lower-level merchant districts.  This shopkeeper only sold 
through personal contact, so Trevor had put on his Jedi robes to 
travel.  He knew that he would not be accosted as much, but there were 
still people who would be devious enough to cheat a Jedi.  He would at 
least blend in better with the crowds in the lower levels, as a number 
of people wore brown robes such as his.  The shop was surprisingly 
clean, and well tended.  The floors were squeaky clean as Trevor's feet 
skittered across the tiles.  The shopkeeper, a snaggle-toothed 
Snivvian, noticed Trevor and welcomed him to the store. 

“Welcome to my shop, Master Jedi.  It is rare that someone from your
order visits.  How can I help you today?” 

“Sir, I am looking for a diatium power cell.  I understand from the ads
you run that you have such a device?” 

“Yes, I do, as a matter of fact.”  The shopkeeper walked down the
counter, towards a locked display case of different power supplies.  
“Let me see...  Ah! Here it is.  Just the best type of power supply you 
can have.  And for only 120 credits.” 

Trevor looked at the shopkeeper, surprised to find that the power supply
he requested was that much.  He had taken some time to estimate how 
much it would take to purchase all of his supplies and the power supply 
was in his estimate at 110 credits.  He definitely had the credits, but 
on principle, he felt that he was getting the raw end.  Knowing that 
trade was the shopkeeper's life, he did not want to make too big of a 

“Well, sir, I wasn't expecting to pay that much, but I'd be willing to
pay 110 credits.” 

The shopkeeper paused a moment, taking a second look at Trevor's Jedi
robes and considering. 

“Tell you what.  I will sell it to you for the 110 credits, and you tell
me how it works.  This is a newer item for me, and no one has bought it 
yet.  Try it out, and let me know how it works for you.  Perhaps I 
could procure some more if there was a need for them at the temple...” 

Trevor thought about this.  He seemed genuine in his appeal, so Trevor
took him at face value.  “If this power supply works the way I expect 
it to, I will let my friends know that they can trust this shop for 
their parts in the future.” 

The shopkeeper's eyes widened happily at his good fortune. “Master Jedi,
I thank you.” 

“No, sir.  It will be I who thank you, if this power supply performs
well enough.” 

With that, Trevor strode off, back towards his room to finish packing
for his trip. 


The Crystal Phoenix was on final approach when Trevor walked into the
hanger bay.  It had been a good night for Trevor.  He had most of his 
parts together and had been up most of the night putting the parts 
together.  He had soldered most of the components last night and was 
nearly ready.  He wanted to run right up to Shudo and show him, but 
pride was not something that was encouraged as a part of Jedi training. 
 Trevor waited as patiently as possible for the Crystal Phoenix to 
land.  Even before the maneuvering jets finished firing, the landing 
door was open and Shudo emerged.  Trevor noticed right away that Shudo 
was not in a mood to talk.  Shudo walked resolutely towards the main 
turbolift, one reserved for direct transportation to the Jedi Council.  
Trevor moved slowly away from the wall towards Shudo.  Shudo noticed 
Trevor and motioned him over. 

“Well, my young padawan, how has your week been?” 

“It has been a good two weeks, Master.  I have been doing
some...studying during my time.  What is the matter, Master?” 

“Not now, Trevor.  I need to visit with the Council.  Do you have all
the items on that list I sent you?” 

“Yes, Master.  I have the components, and it is nearly complete.” 

That stopped Shudo in his tracks.  He turned towards Trevor, bright
yellow and orange streaks running through his crest.  Trevor noticed a 
gleam in Shudo's eye.  “Well then, gather your equipment, and load it 
onto the shuttle.  We leave in an hour.” 

Now it was Trevor's turn to stop in his tracks.  “An hour?  I will
replenish the ship and get my equipment.  Would we be needing the 
Whitecloak, Master?” 

“A very good idea, Trevor.  We may very well need it.  I am going to the
Council chambers.  I should be back in approximately one hour.” 

“Very good, Master.”  Trevor watched Shudo walk towards the lifts.  He
noticed that Shudo's robes were tattered and a few spots had been 
burned through.  It seemed that Shudo even had a bit of a limp, but 
that could not be.  Master Shudo was very good with a lightsaber.  He 
had never seen him get hit or even singed by a blaster bolt.   Trevor 
shook his head and headed towards the controller droid, requesting that 
the ship be completely restocked in one hour, and any damage repaired.  
The droid acknowledged him, and Trevor hurried to gather his tools and 
the parts to his lightsaber. 

After stowing his equipment in his quarters, Trevor headed towards the
secondary bridge, prepping the ship for launch, Master Shudo walked 
towards the shuttle.  Shudo wore newer robes and he seemed to be 
walking into the shuttle with a faster gait.  He went immediately to 
the main bridge, and motioned for the astromech droid, designated 
R2-E5, to activate the main thrusters and depart the Temple.  Trevor 
came down and sat with his Master and they talked for a few minutes 
about various minor things, but just sitting relaxedly with his padawan 
seemed to sooth Shudo's tense demeanor. 

As the Crystal Phoenix cleared the atmosphere of Coruscant, Trevor
noticed that Shudo reached into his robes, pulling out a datapad with 
symbols on it that Trevor had never seen before.  He got a quick look 
at it and noticed that was simply labeled RESTRICTED ACCESS: FOR USE 
WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE JEDI COUNCIL.  Trevor thought that was odd.  
‘Wonder where we are going,' he mused. 

Shudo turned to Trevor and smiled.  “Watching again, my young padawan.” 

“Sorry, Master.  Curiosity, you know.” 

“Keep your eyes to yourself, Trevor.” 

“But I don't have any eyes, Master,” Trevor said innocently. 

Shudo tried to give Trevor a stern look but couldn't hide the humorous
yellow tint on his skin.  “Just for your information, our destination 
is five days away; the planet Ilum.” 

Ilum was one of the closest secrets the Jedi Council kept.  Trevor
thought that it might even be the most secure location in the entire 
universe.  No one went to Ilum without the express permission of the 
Jedi Council.  Only those Jedi padawans, Knights, and Masters alike had 
to have a very good reason to go, and the Council regulated who 
traveled to this planet.  This would be Trevor's first trip, but 
hopefully not his last. 

Shudo motioned Trevor out of the cockpit, towards the back of the
Crystal Phoenix.  Shudo sat down in the lounge and motioned for Trevor 
to do the same. 

“Trevor, when we get to Ilum, you will need to prepare yourself.  You
will be traveling to the Crystal Cave of Ilum, where the Jedi have been 
gathering adegan crystals and attuning them to the Force to power their 
lightsabers.  You will need to remember two things when you go down 
onto the planet.  One, the Force will show you where your crystals are 
if you let it, and second, you will have to deal with the visions.  You 
may find yourself facing your worst fears, my Padawan.  Be prepared for 
anything.  I have taught you a great deal and I believe that you are 
ready for this task.” 

Trevor and Shudo worked on more lessons during the trip, causing the
time to pass quickly.  As the cruiser came out of hyperspace, the 
planet filled up the viewscreen completely.  The Crystal Phoenix took a 
polar orbit around the planet.  Trevor looked at the planet, wondering 
where the Caves were located.  Even if he attempted it, his Force 
vision could not penetrate the atmosphere.  Trevor took a deep breath, 
turned towards Shudo Laan, and waited for a moment.  They shared a 
moment of silence, understanding that a very large step was being taken 
today, and both knowing that both might be changed by the events of 
next few days.  Trevor bowed to Shudo, turned and walked out with 
purpose toward his room.  He gathered his tools and his lightsaber 
components, placing all in a durasteel case.  He looked around the 
room, gathered his remaining belongings, and departed.  Passing through 
the central lounge again, Trevor climbed the retractable access ladder 
and traversed the narrow airlock in the ceiling.  The direction of the 
artificial gravity reversed itself as Trevor slipped into the cockpit 
of the Whitecloak fighter mounded upside-down to the Crystal Phoenix's 
dorsal docking array.  E-five had the fighter prepped for take-off by 
the time Trevor finally got adjusted.  He sealed the canopy, detached 
the ship and guided it towards the planet. 

“Trevor, contact me when you arrive planet-side,” Shudo's voice came
over the comlink. 

“Certainly, Master.” 

“May the Force be with you.” 

“May the Force be with you, Master Shudo.” 

Trevor maneuvered his fighter through the atmosphere.  Once he entered
the atmosphere, he knew he should have brought E5 along.  Unexpected 
atmospheric disturbances caused the fighter to pitch and yaw 
uncontrollably.  Trevor wrenched the stick opposite of the direction 
the atmosphere was pushing the fighter, but to no avail.  Trevor's brow 
grew wet with sweat very quickly.  His concentration faltered more 
often than he would want to admit as the snowy ground continued to get 
larger in his viewport.  He kept working the controls, trying to right 
the ship.  Unfortunately, the ship continued to tilt and pitch with 
each bout of turbulence, causing Trevor to work harder and harder to 
regain control.  The ground loomed ever closer, causing an involuntary 
tremor to shake his body.  There was no more time.  Trevor pulled the 
ejection handle, and a sudden gale force wind whipped at his face as 
his seat lifted clear of the ship on miniature repulsor-drives.  Trevor 
wrapped his all-weather cloak around his face, protecting it from the 
bitter wind and blinding snow. 

The fighter flew towards a cliff and exploded a mere hundred meters from
Trevor's location.  He could feel the intense heat even so far away, 
the force of the blast rocking his ejection seat as it drifted 
groundward.  Trevor mourned the loss of a Jedi Temple ship, but only 
for a few moments.  His knowledge of the planet was limited to what 
he'd learned on the trip over.  The icy world contained very little 
life and, according to the lessons given by Shudo before departing, 
gorgodons were the largest creatures on the planet.  Trevor did not 
need to look too hard around him before the lessons hit home.  Here he 
was on an ice world, with no ship to get him off-world, and only the 
parts to his new lightsaber and the Jedi supplies stored in his utility 
belt.  Trevor shuddered, thinking of things that might or might not be 
there.  He tucked his cloak closer to his body, it's inner insulating 
layers able to withstand both searing heat and bitter cold. 

He gathered his belongings and started walking towards the nearest
mountain peak.  The increased range of Trevor's Force-sight was not 
truly helping him in the seemingly endless expanse of snow and rock, so 
he concentrated on viewing the Force-energy in the region.  His vision 
shifted, revealing the presence of patches of rugged lichen and small 
lifeforms dwelling under the ice.  Sensing the fading presence of 
larger life-forms, Trevor could see the trails left behind by predators 
and migrating herd creatures, long since obscured to regular vision by 
drifting snow.  One such path led up the nearby mountainside, leading 
him towards a cave that was emitting so much raw Force energy it nearly 
blinded him. 

‘Well, I guess that's where I have to go,' thought Trevor.  He hitched
up his gear, got it comfortable, and headed out.  The snow was more of 
a nuisance than anything to Trevor.  There was enough hard pack 
underneath to allow Trevor to walk atop of it.  He continued to walk 
for a few hours.  As he neared the base of the mountain, he noticed 
that there were tracks of a very large creature crossing his path.  The 
tracks seemed to be fresh, but he could not tell how old they really 
were.  Suddenly, the echo of a distant roar caught his ear.   It 
sounded like something was chasing a meal, and Trevor certainly did not 
want to be that meal.  He continued on towards the peak, wondering what 
made those kinds of tracks. 


Trevor finally made it to the edge of the trail.  Unfortunately for him,
it ended at the bottom of a sheer rock face.  The Force-saturated 
cavern was fifty meters straight up from where he stood.  Trevor didn't 
have enough cable to reach the cave.  He thought about scaling the 
wall, but figured he'd been out of touch from Shudo for long enough.  
‘Might be a way to get up that Shudo would let me know,' he thought. 

Trevor grabbed his comlink off his utility belt and looked up the cliff,
waiting for Shudo to respond.  The cliff seemed to have a few 
handholds, but nothing that would support his weight. 

“Trevor, is everything all right?” 

“Yes, Master.  Thank you.” 

“Had a little trouble landing?” 

Trevor could almost see the colors on Shudo's crest changing colors as
they spoke. 

“You might say that, Master.  I am sorry for the rough landing.” 

“I'm glad you're alright.  You're very close to the Crystal Caves.  Once
you arrive we will be out of communication, so you will need to be 

“Certainly Master.  I'm going to try getting up the mountain now. “Good
luck, padawan.  Contact me upon your exit from the cave.” 

Trevor signed off, placed the comlink back onto his belt, and turned
back towards the cliff.  Suddenly, Trevor felt a disturbance and turned 
his vision behind him.  Trying to sneak up behind Trevor was a hulking 
creature, much larger than even Trevor's towering master.  It had a 
vaguely reptilian appearance, with thick blubbery skin, massive 
tusk-like fangs, and a distinct look of hunger in its eyes.  Trevor 
didn't even hesitate; he gathered the Force within himself and jumped 
straight up to the cave in a single leap.  From his high vantage point, 
Trevor could clearly appreciate the creature's huge size.  It was 
nearly five meters tall and easily ten meters long.  Its huge tusks 
might have been as much as a half-meter long. As Trevor and the 
creature regarded each other from their new positions, it gave off a 
very loud bellow, causing small rocks and dirt to fall down around him. 
 The creature continued to pace the base of the cliff, but was unable 
to climb up the sheer face.  Trevor turned towards the interior of the 


The entrance to the Crystal Cave was darkened, but Trevor's Force-sight
allowed him to move very easily in the darkness.  The icy entrance 
echoed his footsteps for over fifteen minutes.   The tunnel meandered 
mostly downward in a zigzag motion.  As Trevor made a corner, a dim 
light source illuminated the hallway.  To Trevor's amazement, it was 
the walls themselves giving off the illumination.  Trevor looked more 
closely and realized that the walls were covered floor-to-ceiling with 
intricate hieroglyphic-style carvings of figures, scenes and events.  
Some of the scenes and figures looked strangely familiar to Trevor, 
though he didn't quite recognize them in this strange environment.  
Suddenly Trevor's Jedi training clicked into place as he realized that 
these were images from the ancient history of the Jedi Order.  Trevor 
walked through the winding tunnels, admiring the detail of the 
intricate designs.  His excitement continued to mount as he recognized 
various important historical figures and battles.  After an hour's time 
of awed wandering, Trevor realized that there was truly no way to 
review all of the Jedi history in one stretch.  Recognizing the true 
task at hand, Trevor wrenched his vision away from the walls of the 
caves.  As he did so, he noticed that the ground was littered with 
veins of raw crystals.  There were crystals of all shapes and sizes.  
Trevor realized that the glowing wall carvings were made of the same 
material, somehow energized by the Force to glow in the deep darkness.  
He walked around the caves for a while more, this time looking for the 
right set of crystals to make his saber special; for he did not want 
the traditional colors of blue or green.  Master Windu's saber was 
unique in that it had a purple hue to it, but Trevor wanted his to be 
truly unique.   The only problem:  finding the right crystals for it. 


“Where are they!” 

His shout echoed through the caves, causing Trevor to start at his own
voice.  He'd been after his crystals for three days, and he felt he was 
no closer to finding them.  He had plenty of provisions with him to get 
him through two weeks, but that was not the point.  This was a test of 
his own making and he certainly did not want to fail.  Trevor sat down 
on the ground and bowed his head in near defeat.  His mind was a 
jumbled mess as he started thinking about Shudo, how he became a 
padawan nearly sixteen years ago, and his memories of his childhood at 
the Temple, wanting to be a Jedi.  Trevor closed his vision to the 
caves and laughed at himself.  The best way to find crystals for his 
lightsaber lay in his training.  He let the Force flow through his 
body, calming himself to allow the caves and the Force to guide him to 
where his crystals were located. 

After a brief period of time, Trevor opened his vision and looked around
the room.  For some reason, the room seemed different to him.  A small 
surge in the flow of the Force focused Trevor toward a small hole near 
the floor of the rear wall.  Trevor moved his vision closer to the 
opening.  It was big enough to fit a hand into, so Trevor crawled over, 
reached his hand in, and grabbed three crystals.  He pulled them out, 
examining them closely and feeling that these crystals would be 
perfect.  They were as clear as transparisteel, yet smoother than silk. 
 Trevor trembled with excitement, as he instinctively knew that these 
crystals would produce his dream saber. 

He took out his tools and began the final steps to completing the
lightsaber.  With all the parts that he was able to scrape together, 
there remained only three pieces; the power cell, the crystal chamber 
and the electronics package.  The crystals needed to be aligned 
properly for a lightsaber to work.  If the crystals are not aligned 
properly the saber would either simply fail to work and require further 
alignment, or it would explode, most likely injuring or killing Trevor 
in the process.  Trevor got right to work on the alignment of the 
crystals.   However, his excitement overrode his basic desire to do the 
right thing.  After several hours of work, the crystals were not 
aligning properly and Trevor knew it.  He kept rushing forward to get 
it done and still there was no alignment. 

Trevor took a few moments rest and looked at the tools and the parts. 
Wondering how to do this, he sat back and continued to think about it.  
As he sat there, his eyes closed of their own volition, causing Trevor 
to fall instinctively into a Jedi trance. 


Trevor returned to conscious awareness nearly a week later.  He had been
through few such trances in his training and he was still surprised at 
the way he now saw things with a dramatically clearer view and a 
renewed determination.  The pieces and the crystals seemed to show a 
faint, momentary glow.  At least Trevor thought so.  He picked up the 
pieces and aligned his crystals within the handle of his saber.  The 
crystals fit right away into their mounts and Trevor felt that this was 
the correct way for the crystals to be aligned.  He fastened the handle 
together and reviewed the construction again in his mind.  Everything 
should have been in place, but he knew that he needed to make sure.  
Closing his vision, he pressed the button to activate his lightsaber.  
The sound of the igniting blade made Trevor exhale loudly.  The Jedi 
weapon felt like an extension to his arm.  If anyone else had seen this 
saber, Trevor knew that the pure white color of the blade would have 
drawn a gasp of surprise.  He hoped that like Master Windu's violet 
blade, his own weapon would find a place in the histories of Jedi. 

Trevor disengaged the blade and gathered his tools together.  As the
tools were put away onto his belt, a sudden howl stopped Trevor in his 
movements.  The howling continued and Trevor shook with apprehension.  
Trevor was certain that the howling came from a vorkskyr, a creature 
native to the planet Myrkr which used the Force to hunt its prey.  
Trevor had met them before on an earlier mission, but at that time he 
had been debilitated by the Force-dampening ability of Myrkr's other 
notorious species, the ysalamiri.  Trevor grabbed his new lightsaber 
but did not activate it.  The howling continued as Trevor followed the 
sound down a corridor near where he finished his saber.  He walked to a 
junction of four corridors. The howls were surrounding Trevor now.  He 
ignited his lightsaber and the shadows of vornskyrs instantly seemed to 
be walking within the wall pictures.  Trevor shivered at the surreal 
sight.  As he watched, the four vornskyr shadows coalesced into the 
silhouette of a tall, alien.  The figure was clad in the long, black 
robes of an ancient Sith warrior, with a jumble of twisted horns and 
trailing tentacles framing his glowing, hate-filled eyes.  The figure 
walked out from the wall, stepping with unsettling ease from the 
two-dimensional realm of the carvings and into the three-dimensional 
space of the tunnel.  With a flare of red, it activated its lightsaber. 

“Who are you?” Trevor asked, barely managing to keep his voice steady. 

The warrior smiled a humorless smile.  “I am your death, Trevor

Trevor's insides felt like jelly.  This figure was a Sith, of that he
had no doubt.  However, something just did not feel right about it.  
Trevor did a quick calming mantra going over the Jedi Code in his mind. 

“There is no death, Sith.  There is only the Force.” Trevor retorted,
reciting the Jedi Code. 

The Sith lunged, but Trevor was able to block it immediately.  Trevor
responded to the Sith's attack with a slash at the waist, but it was 
also blocked.  The Sith smiled silently at Trevor, trying to unnerve 
him, but Trevor kept his composure and waited for the next attack.  A 
rapid thrust to the midsection nearly caught Trevor off guard, but he 
jumped back out of harm's way.  A quick riposte cause the Sith to jump 
back as well. 

The combatants circled one another, looking for holes in each other's
defenses.  They each attacked, defended and attacked again, back and 
forth for several minutes.  Each one got a good slash at the other, but 
neither could gain any real advantage.  The battle lasted for a few 
minutes more, with Trevor gaining confidence as the encounter 
continued.  As Trevor blocked a slash from the Sith, he saw an opening. 
 He took his lightsaber into a defensive posture, causing the Sith to 
smile and get into an attacking position.  However, Trevor immediately 
changed into an offensive stance, slashing at the Sith's head.  The 
weapon should have cleanly cut off the head; instead the Sith's form 
dissipated, leaving only a Miraluka child standing in front of Trevor. 

Trevor disengaged his lightsaber and regarded the child intently,
startled by the sudden transformation. 

“What are you, child?” 

The child turned his head up to Trevor.  “I am your birth and your
death.  I am the beginning and the end.” 

Trevor listened to the child, but did not comprehend what was being
said.  “What do you mean?  Do I know you?” 

The child walked backwards towards the wall. 

“Wait!  I need more!”  Trevor reached out to the child, but the child
merged with the wall like a shadow passing into darkness.  The entire 
hallway went dark; even Trevor's Force sight could not penetrate the 
darkness.  A short while later, the walls began to glow again.  Trevor 
shook as if coming out of a dream. 

‘Master Shudo mentioned that I would have visions' he thought.  ‘Was
this what he was talking about?  What does it mean?'  Trevor had too 
many questions and not enough answers. 


The return to the cave's entrance was a quicker journey than it had been
going in.  The wind and sun washed a smile upon Trevor's face.  Trevor 
felt rejuvenated, especially after being underground for nearly ten 
days.  It was almost as if he was reborn, the connection between 
himself, the universe and the Force felt stronger than ever.  ‘I will 
be more prepared for what lies in store next time,' he thought.  He 
looked ahead for a path down the cliff, but was stymied by that puzzle. 

Trevor's comlink went off, and he immediately answered. 

“Yes, Master Shudo.” 

“Trevor.  Things have gone well.” 

“Very well, Master.  I have completed my task here.” 

“I am glad to hear it, my young padawan.  We will talk more upon your
return to the ship.  Are you ready to come back?” 

Trevor seemed perplexed by the comment, but responded affirmatively to
the question nonetheless. 

“I am sending someone down to get you.  Stay where you are.” 

“Master, I plan on doing nothing else.”  Trevor's sly grin crept onto
his face, and he couldn't help but be jolly at this time, even knowing 
that his Jedi Whitecloak was destroyed. 

Shortly the sounds of another Whitecloak fighter could be heard above
the wind.  Trevor looked up and saw the ship veering left, right, down, 
and up in a precise, almost mechanical path.  He thought that was 
strange, until the ship got closer and closer.  Suddenly, Trevor 
laughed out loud.  In the retrofitted cockpit, R2-E5 was piloting the 
ship through the rough winds of Ilum.  E-Five hovered the craft a mere 
two meters from the edge of the cliff to allow Trevor to jump on board. 
 The canopy came down, and E-five's screen-display asked if Trevor 
wanted to take the ship back into orbit.  Though the thought was 
intriguing, Trevor did not want to crash another ship, so he motioned 
for E-five to take them home.  E-five whistled in acknowledgement and 
proceeded to fly back to the Crystal Phoenix without incident.  After 
docking with the Phoenix, Trevor and E-Five departed the Whitecloak and 
climbed back into the transport.  Shudo was waiting for them in the 
main bridge area. 

“Padawan, tell me of your mission.”  Shudo began. 

Trevor began by handing his new lightsaber to his master. Shudo
gracefully took the saber and immediately ignited the blade.  The white 
light of the blade shown in Shudo's face, and his eyes were glistening 
in surprise.  The crest on Shudo's head changed to a bright yellow and 
purple spotted scheme.  Shudo waved the blade around, careful not to 
hit anything. 

“A good blade, Trevor.  A very good blade.” 

Trevor bowed to his master in acknowledgement, knowing Shudo was more
than proud of his newest padawan.  Trevor hoped that he would continue 
to show that he was ready for nearly anything. 

The Crystal Phoenix's communications panel suddenly flashed, causing
Shudo and Trevor to start suddenly.  Shudo took the console and entered 
in his code.  A mission briefing displayed on the vidscreen. 

Mission Profile Assigned Jedi:  	Master Shudo Laan and Trevor Gul'dan
Location:		City of Aldara, Alderaan, Core Region Primary 
Objective:	Mediate Tokolai / Techno-Union diplomatic Conference 
Secondary Objective:	Investigate criminal disturbances in Aldera Museum 

Shudo turned to Trevor.  “Ready?” 


This is part 2 of a total of 2 parts.
previous part show all parts  

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