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The Return Of The Sword (Revised Version Of The Sword Of The Elements) (standard:fantasy, 4853 words) | |||
Author: Nirvan | Added: Jan 07 2003 | Views/Reads: 8084/3224 | Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes) |
A Story Of MAgic In The Lands Of Elves, Dwarfs, Men, And Trolls. An Exciting tale of war, betrayl, and revenge. | |||
Click here to read the first 75 lines of the story Yet he smiled in spite of himself for the future would reveal his secrets of his past, he would restore the magic's, he would aid the stones, the sword, he would destroy the spirits, He would see his love once again. Or he would die. Either way time would tell. “Kall you will not win, I will not let you, not again.” He whispered in to the cold bitter wind that whipped by striking his face. His last thought was one of Why? Why did he live on while the rest of his friends of the Equinox perish why? Take her why not me? He turned away staring through his hawk eyes into the distant and his home amongst the mountains. Soon he thought Soon. He turned back to face the shimmering lake, I am still Dwin I am the remaining, But I will never be the last. “I am coming wielders of the Sword, I am coming” He walked through the night passing over the Magi River as if it were not there. He continued on passing the small hamlet of three point, through the days, through the nights, dawn till dusk, dusk till dawn. He continued on the equidor masked his presence, his soul, his body as he sustained a thorough pace at which he continued on walking, walking, walking. He traced the Leron Road by which to navigate from, he headed toward the Emerald jewel, of the elfin people, the city of Dewen. Less than a week had passed since he had left for the city and already the energy of the Esteron was waving losing its grasp more and more over the spirits, as more and more escaped, the armies were building. Dwin could feel it in the air and on the land the magic of the Esteron was failing. The night was cool a slight breeze all that disturbed the silence of the night, night. A flowing sea of darkness across the sky, stretching forth from upon the horizon, a torrent, dark, black, cold. As through the sky a silent silver disc shimmered brightly upon the ever-rippling waters of the vast open sea. Through the dark night shift phantoms, ghosts, grey as stone sliding smoothly across the darkness's void. The river of night crept slowly up the rock falls cliffs and crags, up over the cliffs toward the villages, rivers, forests, and towns that spread across the distant lands. The man walked quickly through the deep dark forest shadows that launched over him engulfing him in their tight grasp. He walked quicker now as the darkness flowed further settling upon the forest of which he sought to leave, faster it came now settling fully upon the forest as he reached the end, the exit of the forests leaping surrounding shadows. He walked through the fresh night across the vast fields and land reaching the city by first light. The sun shone down radiant and pure across the rolling green hills and meadows, across the small winding streams and rivers, along the tracks and through every window of every village, town, and city of the land, and finally reaching the distant sea. The spring air was cool upon his face as he stood upon the highest of high hills surrounding the quiet city below, all around birds sang their morning song, and cattle grazed the emerald green hillside. The man sat his body showed no signs of his ever growing age, yet his eyes still burned brightly full of a burning fire of life, he sat there his dark cloak pulled tightly about his towering figure, he sat watching the spring colours of life and the city's awakening. As through the distance the sea rippled, waves crashing into the towering cliffs, and smooth white shore of the wide open bay, the waters were tranquil blue a deep calming sea of blue that was pure unlike many things in this life. The sea had been smashing the resilient coast since the dawn of time itself, and would continue till the end of time. Dwin entered the city unnoticed by both guards and Elves alike; he proceeded towards his destination the palace of the elves, and his loyal friend queen Lyra of the Elfin people. As he walked the streets people looked at him and dismissed him just as easily as he walked, now and again someone approached him, but left on his command, all around he saw merchants, tradesmen, and conmen alike, all trying to gain a profit. Not knowing what fate might befall them. The Palace was white, surrounded by colours of greens, blues, reds, yellows all the colours you could dream of. He approached the sentry of the elite command. “Speak stranger, or leave.” Spoke the commander, a short bulky elf strong voiced, and spirited. “Calm yourself my friend, it is I, Foren” spoke Dwin softly. “Dwin, my friend you have returned,” replied Foren a smile crossing his face. “Come, I shall inform the queen of your arrival” “Thank you.” They progressed through the palace gardens toward the palace a manner of peace surrounded him, calming his soul, calming his body. As they walked through the palace's twisting corridors, decorated with some of the most exquisite artwork within the lands, capturing the imagination of many, Foren told him of many events, times, and comings or goings as they sat within the Elfin council chambers. The room was long and narrow containing a long table that stretched the length of the room near wall to wall. Surrounded by twenty high black, back chairs, the table seated the delegates of the Elfin settlements a women and a man per settlement. The room had six towering windows on either side that were coloured with many encryptions, all ancient elfish and have been yet to be deciphered. Dwin continued peering round the room as the arched oak doors were opened, and a woman dressed in blue entered. “Foren, you may leave.” Ordered the woman softly “Thank you” Foren left closing the doors as he left “What is it Dwin? I hear you have news of greatest Importance,” asked the woman anxiously. Dwin looked at her into her dark deep blue eyes, she was a young woman she was an elf with long dark black hair silk as that of the night flowing down her back touching the base of her spine. “It comes again, the Esteron wavers, it's energy is failing, for the spirits are coming, there armies are massing, armies of goblins, trolls, and even the black dragons, we must find the sword for it is all that may stop the onslaught and destroy the spirits once and for all.” Explained Dwin urgently. “You remember the stories, Many Generations ago a sword of magical properties was cast into a distant land of magic, bound to the elements from which it was forged. Cast from the depths of the Esteron it came, a light in darkness against the evil subverted magic.” He paused studying her face for a look of recognition, “This sword was entrusted into the Four Elders, The Four Friends of the races. Erallon of the elves, Danar of the dwarfs, Trogon of the trolls and Navrin of the race of man. This Sword was used by these friends in the first war of the Spirits, in which the subverted magic broke free of the Esteron combined itself with the spirit of men, forming the shadows of darkness that threatened the land. Proceeding this they formed a promise, a promise of truth a promise to call only upon the sword in the face of the horrors of war, darkness and pain. They placed the sword in a vault, a tomb to protect the sword from all who wish to use it in hatred. To protect it each of the friends crafted a stone of power to control an element, a key to release the sword, all of these stones were required to erect the vault, the dark tomb in which the sword was set. Over the generations that followed, a treasured history became forgotten an ancient forgotten myth, a legend; the races finally lost belief, and lost the stones. They lost their only defence against the shadows, against the spirits. The time is finally coming, four stones are needed.” “And you are sure of this?” asked the queen dreadfully “you are not mistaken?” “No, I feel it in the air, and on the land time is running low, we must it is the only hope” answered Dwin despondently “we must find the half elf's, both are needed.” “Who are they?” asked the queen a look of hope still in her eyes “Where are they?” “One is resides in Elin and is known as Nirvan, the other resides in Gallony and is known as Kera. They control both stones and swords, I will meet Nirvan, and Kera.” Finished Dwin “Ok I will send Jeniva to find Nirvan and bring him here we will go from there. Agreed?” asked the queen, “I will also send word to the rulers of the other lands and of the situation.” “Agreed” whispered Dwin before leaving the city walls, thinking of the elves as he left the palace walls. The Elves are fair beings and I wish I could help, aid them further, but all I have is as I have told them, the elves are the fairest of beings and the most trust worthy of beings they have lived many ages and are the wisest the most eternal folk in the lands. Slowly he slid out of the city cloaked in his magic. *** Bright glowing orange light was sweeping out over the vast green sea, creating the dancing forest shadows, that were constantly launching, looming over the figure as he strolled quickly and quietly along the darkening, cold damp forest walk, his thin razor sharp throwing knifes strapped tightly, securely in his leather belt, he walked on quicker trying to beat the suns death, the coming of night. What little light remained still made his Elfin features defined and visible. He was quite tall, but his structure was still small. Light weight and agile. His small pointed ears protruded out from under his dark brown hair, along with his dark brown eagle eyes noticing every visible movement even in the darkening light settling around him. He was Nirvan. He stopped suddenly; a disturbance in the shadows caught his eye drawing his attention in an instance he had whipped out his throwing knifes, ready, for what may come next. The gleaming knifes gleamed silver, Smoothing was stirring, a presence he sensed, as suddenly it struck him a low dark voice echoed striking his ear. “FIND THE STONES, THE KEYS” Nirvan stumbled, his head in his hands as images flew by past, present, future all tied into the images that passed before him. He fell to the ground as the images stopped as suddenly as they had came, he gasped for breath wheezing heavily. As a remote sound echoed along the forest walk toward his ear, closer, closer. He whirled around just in time, as a gallant white Unicorn sprung out of nowhere, bearing a cloaked rider. The white Unicorns rider slowly slid off the horse un-mounting from upon her white steed. “Who are you?” Requested Nirvan as the rider stood before him. He gripped his knife more tightly. “What do you want? Show yourself.” “Shhh, Calm yourself I am no enemy, I am a friend.” Spoke the cloaked rider in no more than a whisper upon the cool wind, it was a calm soothing voice, the voice of a young women. She slowly walked up to him, her crystal blue cloak billowing in the cool wind, yet still wrapped closely about her. She stood before him slowly removing, lowering the hood of her long cloak. She was slightly shorter than Nirvan and had the same pencil eyebrows and small pointed ears. She had long dark brown hair near black in colour, a small nose poking out, and deep blue eyes as crystal as that of her cloak of which he wore. “I am in search of the Elfin settlement of Elin, please do you know of it?” she asked softly “Yes I know of it, come I will lead you there, but who are you? Where are you from?” asked Nirvan curiously his knifes tucked securely back within his belt. “Sorry, My name is Jeniva and I am bringing a message to one who lives in Elin, and am travelling south from the settlement of Dewen.” Spoke Jeniva. “Bloody hell, Dewens at least a weeks gallop without break, and at full gallop.” Replied Nirvan “Anyway my name is Nirvan from Elin.” “Your Nirvan? Then you will know for whom I search for? For he replies to a very familiar name....” Jeniva stopped suddenly as a low rumbling in the distance struck their ears, they peered silently into the direction it came, the rumbling became louder, louder, closer, closer. It was coming. “Quick Now get on, come on, they are coming, they are coming for you!!!” Cried Jeniva. Without question they mounted the gleaming white Unicorn. They set off south at full gallop toward the emerald rolling hill of scrubland that surround the settlement of Elin The wind was thrashing at their faces; pale, white, colourless were their faces. They came at them as she had said closer, closer, closer they came. Five horses pearl white skeletons, their blood red eyes shining brightly out from their cream skeletal structures. Each of the horses bore a tightly cloaked rider dark, which carried a glowing red broadswords. They came at the unicorn attempting to strike either it or the riders. Jeniva was too quick for them veering the horse hard to the right, whilst pushing a necklace to Nirvan. Nirvan grabbed the necklace but lost himself falling to the hard earth, the necklace still tightly in his grip, in the palm of his hand. As he hit the ground warmth surged through his arm, refreshing warmth, warming his body from head through to toe. The riders gathered round him blades ready to cut through him. They took a step closer as Nirvan opened his hand as the stone shone a green light glowing, emitting its rays, suddenly Nirvan's strength left him travelling up his right arm and into the stone. The stone glowed more, and more, and more before flooding the riders in the light engulfing them, in the moment it had happened the light vanished, where the riders once stood green dust lay. The last of Nirvan's strength left him as he collapsed on the cool hard earth. An hour of time passed before Nirvan awoke upon the back of Jeniva's Unicorn, upon the outskirts of Elin, it was nightfall for the stars were shining down silver from the sky specs on a dark velvet sheet, skirting out the stars danced behind the sliding clouds of grey, ghosts in the nights sky. “Jeniva What happened, what was that. The stones, the riders???” asked Nirvan quickly in total puzzlement. “Calm down, the answers are coming Nirvan, the answers are coming.” Said Jeniva speaking softly. They slowly trotted down to an old large ancient building, an inn, Known as the Black Heart. They Un-mounted and strode through the crumbling oak door, the entrance. Once through they found themselves in a room full of tables and chairs. They wound their way through the tables to a table in the far corner. They sat for a while in silence sipping a there ales before Jeniva broke the silence. “I owe you an explanation, I am on a quest charged to me by the queen, Lyra Elier to search out an elf, the one, I search out an elf named Nirvan. “Me but I'm nothing, I'm....” Nirvan stopped studying the reaction upon Jeniva's face, searching for a reaction. “You are the one, an heir, who can place a hand upon the stones and summon the lost sword of immense magical properties.” She said in know more than a whisper upon the moist air “You must travel north to the city of Dewen tonight, someone, will meet you at the Rinder, Please you must go! Otherwise...” Jeniva paused a look of absolute fright covering his face, what little colour remained left. Nirvan broke into an array of questions “Otherwise what? Who? Why?” asked Nirvan quickly without pause for breath. “Good luck Nirvan, Good luck, Take this necklace, and watch yourself for more of the riders will be sent” she said placing the talisman within his hand. Her hand was warm, soft upon his hand. “Good bye” she finished staring at Nirvan rising, shifting through the entrance of the pub disappearing into night's grasp, night's tightening grasp. Nirvan sat there speechless glaring at the crumbling oak door bearing a half drained goblet of wine at his side. An hour passed, two hours passed, three hours passed until he rose and left still mulling over the possibilities. Slowly he left heading down the dusty, mud track toward his home. His mind still buzzing with a thousand thoughts at once, whilst he continued on his way to his home he came to a definite, life changing decision. He would go. He would travel north to the city of Dewen that very night, if only for some answers to his very questions. Nirvan finally came to the end of the trail; the darkness cold against his skin, as he breathed a warm mist left his mouth dissipating into the night. Nirvan's home was a fairly small cottage, white in colour. Upon the cottage sat a roof of golden beauty, thatched exquisitely, using some of the finest materials in the land. The reflective smooth surface of the large pine door glowed silvery blue by the mystical, tranquil, peaceful moonlight. Nirvan slowly paced up toward this door, facing it he stood staring at it, its soft surface, it's mirror like surface. Nirvan slowly pulled from within the shade of his cloak a long dull bronze key, which inserted perfectly into the gleaming bronze lock. As it turned an almost unapparent click sounded permitting entrance, He slowly turned the sleek, lustrous bronze doorknob clicking once more it gave way, creaking in pain slowly the door opened to reveal it's hidden secrets. Nirvan strode in closing the door as he entered. Nirvan peered around the large room in which he stood; the roof was low as were most in the village. He continued to peer through the orange light radiating from the lamps, his eyes drawn toward the colossal marble fireplace embedded, crafted into the right-hand wall, a long mantle piece stretched across the wall above it, cast of the oak of Elin wood. In front of the fireplace stood a shining oak lined glass table, around which sat large green chairs, towering over it, hiding it, confining it to where it stood. Against the dampened left wall, tucked up out of the way set aside, rejected, stood a lonely, forgotten dining table. It's carefully crafted, carved chairs lost under a mountain of old torn, tatty blankets. Nirvan shifted towards this mountain, reaching toward its depths a long gleaming broadsword, which he slide into its carefully crafted scabbard, and placed it upon his dark leather belt. Nirvan paused listening to the Owls shriek and the crickets cry. Slowly he turned pacing in the direction of another door. Slamming it shut he walked into a long narrow room which housed the kitchen, he stopped at a cupboard grabbing a selection of supplies of fruit, bread and cooking implements, before continuing up the dark winding staircase, a snake of the night. He froze suddenly, at the top of the stairs an object caught his eye, a ring, a ring engraved with the ancient dragon symbol. It came from a time of distant past, a time where both the dragons and races were one. It was entrusted into the hands of his father long ago. The ring sparkled like a distant star radiant and pure still unmarked through times of war, times of pain, it remained immaculate. He reached out, placing it upon his hand staring into its mysterious depths as if reading it's long dead past. Hesitating he gradually lifted from upon his palm, and placed it on his finger, promptly a blue glow emitted from the ring. Anxiously Nirvan starred closer at it as the glow built up stronger as the glow became not only a glow, but a light unfolded through the low light that wrapped about him. Anticipation flooded through him as he watched, closer, closer, as the beams became stronger, stronger. But as the light became more intense the rays began combining forming a narrower, and narrower beam of light. Nirvan stumbled back, falling to the cold floor as the ray shone at him, at his heart, entering his body. Nirvan closed his eyes, not willing to stare at the ring as he felt the energy flow through him, the magic trickling, streaming through his veins. He felt it stronger now, not only a stream, but a river. He had absorbed it. He had absorbed the dormant magic of the ring; slowly Nirvan raised himself from upon the hard, damp, distant floor. His body ached, though not weak, the energy continued to flow through him. He shacked himself off trying to forget the force that now flowed through his body. Nirvan starred at the ring a moment longer before progressing on to his chamber. Proceeding on into the towering room he grabbed a large leather bound travelling bag from behind his door, placing within it's depths a collection of both clothes and blankets, A worn tatty map, and some simple hunting gear. Nirvan sat upon his bed staring out into the engulfing night that shrouded the land, the light of the moon was silvery blue upon his face, as slowly water trickled from upon his face refreshing water that cooled him. He sat there for a moment thinking, thinking, he had dreamed of this day, a day when he would finally venture from the Elfin lands into the lands of the other races, and yes he was ready as he had been for years, but not for an importance of this magnitude. Slowly he rose from his bed taking one final look at his chamber he left, to start his journey north, the journey that would change his life for ever, both for better, and for worst. Nirvan hiked from the village, through the reassuring streets into the rolling hill of open land that surrounded the village, the Emerald country it was known as, he now knew why. The light reflected off the dew that settled upon the plant life that surrounded his feet. He walked on for the rest of the night trying to gain as much distance as possible between himself and Elin. By twilight he had reached the woods of Elin, he walked on as dawn approached and left, and was well through the woods by late morning. As the sun rose to its peak, Heat pounded down him, pouring over him, slowing him, Nirvan rested then feeding on fresh fruits and vegetables. The sky was ocean blue as he continued through the afternoon, clouds wisped in white and fluffy from the east settling too a snails pace through the sky. Nirvan whistled tunes as he walked on through the day, leaving the wood heading over the open countryside, north towards the dark southern Leron forest. The countryside was blooming with magnificent colours of spring; he walked on happily along the country trails and footpaths. As night approached Nirvan rested under a towering, lonely oak tree, sleeping without wake until morning sounds awoke him. Nirvan awoke to a slow trickle of rain tumbling from the laden sky, as Nirvan sat beneath the towering oak the trickle increased to a downpour, a torrent of water plummeting down on him as he sat peacefully, Patiently beneath the groaning oak as the downpour slowed, slower, slower to a stop. Nirvan packed away and continued on, by early next morning he had reached it. He had reached the southern Leron forest. But as he sat smiling at his achievement, a sound of hooves struck his ear, coming closer, closer, closer. Tweet
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